DCM Error



Thanks...its "An error has occurred in the DCM chain. Install the program
again ...." I did, twice, but it doesn't help. Its ZoomText, and when I
click on ZT Updates, the browser message is "All Updates are on your
computer." Grrrr So, it will not operate. It did fine even with my faulty
XP Pro.


Found the problem. In the clean Install of XP Pro the video drives, and some
others were not installed. Thus, my adaptive programs would not work. HP
sent me the links to the drivers, after the ZT tech phoned them, and HP
phoned me in turn. I'll buy an HP a second time, I can tell you that. MS
Techs phoned too, when they found out the system wasn't up and running.
Sigh. All's well, that ends well. It was miserable trying to "compute" w/o
vision, though. Thanks, all...if you get a DCM error, look into the program
it popped up when it was started. I found lots of "DCM" urls, but none
pertinent...until... Thank you all, again.

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