Date Time Picker


Sokrat Saydahmat


I am using a Date Time Picker in Outlook appointment page(2), it is bounded
to a field that has a Date/Time format. The problem is when I saved an
appointment with the date using Date Time Picker, it seems accepted the date
value, but when I reopen it the Date Time Picker does not populate the
fields value. From "design form" under "User Defined Field in This Item" I
can see the value in that Date field, but it is not associated to the

Could any one help me to solve this problem?



That is odd. Even after specifying "Default" as the "Property to use" value
on the Value tab of the control's Properties page, it still doesn't display.

I had to add this code to the form to get it to display:

Function Item_Open()
Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("P.2").Controls("DTPicker1").Value =
End Function

BTW, there is a dedicated microsoft.public.outlook.program_forms group for
these questions.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You always have to set the DTPicker to the value you want it to show.
Usually in Item_Open() from a user prop.

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