Date reference in an IIF statement



The following statement works well. It is the default value for a payment.
However, every year I have to go in and change the year.


I would like to have it look at 3/31/(of whatever year it is) so I dont have
to reprogram this every year. How do I change the date reference?

Thanks in advance.


The following statement works well. It is the default value for a payment.
However, every year I have to go in and change the year.


I would like to have it look at 3/31/(of whatever year it is) so I dont have
to reprogram this every year. How do I change the date reference?

Thanks in advance.

=IIf(Date() >DateSerial(Year(Date()),3,31),"$45.00","$40.00")

Douglas J. Steele

Sorry, Linq, but that won't work in October, November or December since
you're using string comparisons.

John W. Vinson

The following statement works well. It is the default value for a payment.
However, every year I have to go in and change the year.


IIF(Date() > #3/31#, "$45.00", "$40.00")

will work. If you don't specify a year in a date literal, Access fills in the
current year for you.

Douglas J. Steele

Sorry, I missed the fact that you were comparing to #3/31#, not "3/31"

Yes, it should work, but using DateSerial is far safer than using implicit
data coercion.

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