Date question



Now to run some of my forms, I have to go into the queries and change months.
I will have to go in and manually type Between 9/1/2008 and 10/1/2008. Is
there a way I can just have a combo on the form that allows me to select
month? I know I could do that with a parameter in the query but I'd rather
just have it right there on the form. I know I could add a month table and
use a filter, but most of my forms are already filtered in some other way
besides date.


If you want to use a combo, it would be most useful for a user to use a text
representation with a value list as the combo's row source
"Jan";"Feb";"Mar"; and so on.

Then in your query you can use:

WHERE Format(Month(DateField),"mmm") = Forms!MyForm!MyMonth Combo

But, then what about the year?

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