Date query


Juan Gallego

Could someone help me with a query to report a result of
searching which codes in a table exists in the last three
I have columns in my table of Code and Date. Codes can be
several times but in different dates. I am trying
to calculate them using the function: DateAdd("m", -3,
![Date]) but it says there is a sintaxis Problem.

Juan Gallego

Ken Snell [MVP]

SELECT Code, [Date]
FROM MyTable
WHERE [Date] >= DateAdd("m", -3, Date());

Also, do not use Date as the name of a field. It and many other words are
reserved words in ACCESS, and can create serious confusion for ACCESS and
Jet. See these Knowledge Base articles for more information:

List of reserved words in Access 2002 and Access 2003;en-us;286335

List of Microsoft Jet 4.0 reserved words

Special characters that you must avoid when you work with Access

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