Date Picker



I have set up a pretty basic DB and it appears to be working very well on my local machine. When I Put the same DB on our server and attempt to open the data entry form or the HTML version produced by the access 2003 wizard the date picker does not show properly or allow entries to be made in the box. I get a message saying "no object in this control". Do I need to specify a default valuefor the date picker? Or is this a problem with the server enviorment ?
All assitance is appreciated.


Is your DB split into a back-end (tables only) and front-end (everything else)?
If "Yes", then you probably have to re-connect the front-end to the back-end.
AVOID drive letters!! (They can change on people's computers, as they re-map drives.) Instead, use UNC ("Universal Naming Convention") paths.

Open the front-end (with the forms, queries, etc.) Now, go to the tables section in this front-end. You will see the table names with ARROWS next to each table name, indicating that the ACTUAL tables are in a different database (Back-end"). From the front-end, DELETE all the tables (with arrows). You are deleting the CONNECTION to the back-end tables; you are NOT deleting the actual tables (in back-end) themselves. After they are all deleted, use the menu: File--> Get External Data --> Link Tables to re-establish that connection. To make the new connection to the back-end, type in a UNC path: \\ServerName\ShareName\Dir1\Dir2\Backend.MDB. A real example from my workplace:
Make sure that you LAN Manager gives you and others "permissions" to write to the \\WinServerA\DBFDATA share.

Hit <Enter> and when the tables names appear, click the "Select All" button. Your front-end is now re-connected to your back-end. Your program should now work.
With the Back-end on the server, you can place the front-end on the server OR on EACH person's PC. (By using the UNC path, it doesn't matter how the users drives are mapped.)

Hope that helps.
---Phil Szlyk

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