Date Picker on Multipage



How do I access a Date picker on a Multipage?
I want to assign it a value.
I have tried

frmTMF.MultiPage1.Pages.Item(DTPickerReviewDate).Value = Date
frmTMF.DTPickerReviewDate.Value = Date

both return error 438 - Object doesn't support this property or method


Sorry needed to correct first post

How do I access a Date picker on a Multipage?
I want to assign it a value.
I have tried

frmTMF.MultiPage1.DTPickerReviewDate.Value = Date
frmTMF.DTPickerReviewDate.Value = Date

first returns error 438 - Object doesn't support this property or method
second returns error 35788 - An error occured in a call to the windows date
and time picker control


This worked for me:

Me.DTPicker1.Year = Year(Date)
Me.DTPicker1.Month = Month(Date)
Me.DTPicker1.Day = Day(Date)



Jacob Skaria

If the page is activated
Me.DTPicker1.Value = Date

If not try on change event...
Private Sub MultiPage1_Change()
If MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Caption = "Page2" Then
Me.MultiPage1.Pages(1).DTPicker1.Value = Date
End If
End Sub

If this post helps click Yes


Hi Shawn,

Pls also see my post dd. 07.07.09 subject:DatePicker control lost in 2007,
if it is relevant.



This does not work on a multipage on a userform - sorry if I was not clear on
A userform with a multipage that has a date picker in it.


If this repliy appears more than once I apologize - the reply button is
having issues

Me.DTPicker1.Value = Date
does not work with a multipage

Me.MultiPage1.Pages(1).DTPicker1.Value = Date
returns error 438 - Object doesn't support this property or method

Jacob Skaria

Please read the comments along with the code...

If the page/control is *** activated *** and visible on screen
Me.DTPicker1.Value = Date

'If not try on ***change event ****...
Private Sub MultiPage1_Change()
If MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Caption = "Page1" Then
Me.DTPicker1.Value = Date + 5
End If
End Sub

If this post helps click Yes


Actually, I placed the DTP on the second page of a multi-page control on a
user form, and the code I supplied you worked perfectly. Not sure why yours
won't work, but mine did.

It also works this way:

Me.MultiPage1.Pages("Page2").DTPicker1.Year = 2009
Me.MultiPage1.Pages("Page2").DTPicker1.Month = 7
Me.MultiPage1.Pages("Page2").DTPicker1.Day = 1


Rick Rothstein

Select Page1 and then try running your code. It appears the page the control
is on must be active in order to address the control's properties.

Rick Rothstein

Try this code...

Dim CurrentPage As Long
With Me.MultiPage1
CurrentPage = .Value
.Value = 1 ' This is tab number (zero based) containing the DatePicker
DTPickerReviewDate.Value = Date
.Value = CurrentPage
End With


Thank you very much for your help! I was able to use what you all gave me to
finally get an answer. I failed to mention was that it was a DTPicker in a
multipage in a multipage ;( - hence nothing worked like it should have.

So using what you all had said I got it to work with this

Dim ctrl As msforms.Control
Dim col As Integer ' this is set elsewhere
Dim dDate As String

For Each ctrl In .Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = "DTPicker" Then
With ctrl
Select Case (ctrl.Name)
Case ("DTPickerDate")
dDate = Cells(53, col).Value
frm.MultiPage1.Value = 3
frm.MultiPage2.Value = 0
If frm.MultiPage2.Pages("Page1").Visible = True
.Value = dDate
End If
Case ("DTPickerTestDate")
dDate = Cells(61, col).Value
frm.MultiPage1.Value = 3
frm.MultiPage2.Value = 1
If frm.MultiPage2.Pages("Page2").Visible = True
.Value = dDate
End If
Case Else
End Select
End With
End If
End With

Thank you again - maybe this will help someone else aswell.

Rick Rothstein

I'm not sure you understood the concept behind the code I posted in my
response. You do not need to have the DatePicker control visibly visible in
order to set it. Here is what I had posted (minus the variable

With Me.MultiPage1
CurrentPage = .Value
.Value = 1 ' This is tab number (zero based) containing the DatePicker
DTPickerReviewDate.Value = Date
.Value = CurrentPage
End With

Let's say that Tab #0 (default name Page1) is visible... the first line of
code stores this in the CurrentPage variable. Now, even though the second
line of code changes the Value property to 1, which makes Tab #1 (default
name Page2) visible, VB will not show you that until the subroutine finishes
running... however, BEFORE the subroutine finishes, the code sets the Value
property back to the originally visible tab. The net result of this is the
display does NOT visibly change to the user... he/she sees a static looking
UserForm during the execution of the above code; but for the code's
purposes, the tab was made "visible" long enough so that the DatePicker's
value could be changed. Now, I see from your code that you have (at least)
two MultiPage controls. Believe it or not, the above trick can be played
with the visibility of the MultiPage control (housing the two DatePicker
controls) as well... you do not have to test the visibility as your posted
code does.

Okay, now to your code. You do not have to iterate each control on the
UserForm looking for your two DatePicker controls... you can address them
directly. Also, using the above discussion, you do not have to test for
visibility either. Okay, let's see if we can implement all of this and apply
it to your code. I believe you can *replace* the entire For..Next block of
code that you posted with this code (declare the CurrentPage variable as
Long and the MPVisibleState variable as Boolean)...

frm.MultiPage1.Value = 3
With frm.MultiPage2
MPVisibleState = .Visible
.Visible = True
CurrentPage = .Value
.Value = 0
DTPickerDate.Value = Cells(53, col).Value
.Value = 1
DTPickerTestDate.Value = Cells(61, col).Value
.Value = CurrentPage
.Visible = MPVisibleState
End With

I believe this code will run that same as what you posted and that the user
should not see any of the visibility manipulations that are taking place.


Thank you so much for your assistance with this.

I have tried what you said but when actually trying to set the
DTPICKER.value it gives Run Time Error 424 - Object required

It did not occur to me before that this code is in a module not in the frm

Rick Rothstein

I'm unclear whether you are still having a problem with my coding concept or
whether your last sentence was meant to say you have solve any problems you
were having with it. However, if you are not running your code from the
UserForm (where I tested my concept out from), then perhaps you need to
qualify the DatePicker controls as to where they are located. Maybe this...

frm.MultiPage1.Value = 3
With frm.MultiPage2
MPVisibleState = .Visible
.Visible = True
CurrentPage = .Value
.Value = 0
frm.DTPickerDate.Value = Cells(53, col).Value
.Value = 1
frm.DTPickerTestDate.Value = Cells(61, col).Value
.Value = CurrentPage
.Visible = MPVisibleState
End With

If you are still having trouble with implementing my code concept, you can
send me your workbook (remove the NO.SPAM stuff from my email address) and
I'll be happy to look at it to see if I can implement it for you.

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