Date formula




I need to build a spreadsheet that will have the date in a column, running
from the 15th of one month to the 15th of the next month i.e. 07-01-15 to
I would like the date to be entered onto a Parameters sheet and that needs
to flow to the spreadsheet. The problem is that the spreadsheet needs to be
duplicated depending on the number of drivers I have on the parameters list.
I have a macro to add a spreadsheet depending on the number of drivers. I can
simply then just add to the macro to copy paste the spreadsheet, but then
will the various dropdowns and formulas work?

Anyway back to the crux of the question. Date formula running from 15th to


David Biddulph

I'm not sure how you're defining the starting point, but if you want to
start from the 15th of the month of a date specified in F1, then A1 is
A2 is =A1+1 and downwards, until near the bottom of the list, where A28, for
example, would be
=IF(A27="","",IF(DAY(A27)=15,"",A27+1)) and copy down to at least A31.


Thanks this works well

David Biddulph said:
I'm not sure how you're defining the starting point, but if you want to
start from the 15th of the month of a date specified in F1, then A1 is
A2 is =A1+1 and downwards, until near the bottom of the list, where A28, for
example, would be
=IF(A27="","",IF(DAY(A27)=15,"",A27+1)) and copy down to at least A31.

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