Date formatting




I am trying to mail merge a column of recertification dates to June 2006
only. But every way I try to format this, it is has unusual responses. I
even tried formatting June 2006 as text but this does not work. I want the
actual response in the merge document to actually show "June 2006" but excel
keeps updating each entry into the next date.

Any ideas?



Myrna Larson

What information is on the Excel sheet? Maybe you need to add another column
with a formula that evaluates to "June 2006". If you are doing something
similar now, what formula are you using?

What program are you using for the merge, Word?


Thanks for responding Myrna, I am just trying to make certification cards
from an excel database. I just want to show the date of the course on one
line of the card and the expiration on the next line.

When I format the date June 2006 as "mm,yyyy", it shows as 12:00am on the
card (in a word document). When I format the June 2006 as text, it shows up
as "0" and I just cannot understand what I need to do just to make it simply
show as June 2006 on the card.

Thanks again for anyones help


Debra Dalgleish

If you're adding the formatting switch in Word, use upper case M in the
month format, e.g. MMMM yyyy.

In the Mail Merge, after you select your Excel file as a data source,
you should see a 'Confirm Data Source' dialog box.
(If you don't see the dialog box, change the setting in Word --
under Tools>Options, General -- add a check mark to
'Confirm Conversion at Open')

From that list, choose 'MS Excel Worksheets via DDE (*.xls)', and your
formatting will be retained.

If you have to connect through a different source, you can format the
fields in the Word document. For example, to format as Month Year:

1. In Word, in the Main Document, press Alt+F9 to view the field codes.
2. Find the field code for the number. It will look something like:
{ MERGEFIELD FieldName }
3. Add a switch, to format the date.
For example:
{ MERGEFIELD FieldName \@ "MMMM yyyy"}
4. Press Alt+F9 to hide the field codes.
5. Save the Main Document


I am sorry Debra, but that does not work for me. It still shows "12:00am" in
the merge field.

Any other ideas?

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