Date Delimiter Problem



My code below is giving the syntax error when I try to pass a begin and end
date parameter to a sproc in my Access ADP Project. I've tried delimiting
the date parameters every way possible but continue to get a syntax error.
Can someone help with delimiting my dates?

' CODE *************

Dim sSQL As String

sSQL = "Exec [mySproc]" & " " & Forms!myForm!txtDateBegin & ", " &

Debug.Print sSQL
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute sSQL, , adExecuteNoRecords + adCmdText

' ERROR *************

Incorrect syntax near '/'

Clifford Bass

Hi Scott,


Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command

cmd.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
cmd.CommandText = "mySproc"
cmd.Execute , Array(Forms!myForm!txtDateBegin, _
Forms!myForm!txtDateEnd), adCmdStoredProc

If necessary you could adjust the cmd.Execute line as follows:

cmd.Execute , Array(CDate(Forms!myForm!txtDateBegin), _
CDate(Forms!myForm!txtDateEnd)), adCmdStoredProc

Hope that helps,

Clifford Bass

Mike Painter

Scott said:
My code below is giving the syntax error when I try to pass a begin
and end date parameter to a sproc in my Access ADP Project. I've
tried delimiting the date parameters every way possible but continue
to get a syntax error. Can someone help with delimiting my dates?

' CODE *************

Dim sSQL As String

sSQL = "Exec [mySproc]" & " " & Forms!myForm!txtDateBegin & ", " &

Debug.Print sSQL
CurrentProject.Connection.Execute sSQL, , adExecuteNoRecords +

' ERROR *************

Incorrect syntax near '/'

& ", # " & Forms!myForm!txtDateEnd & "#"

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