Date & Control Button Focus



I have a form that has the calendar in it and 3 buttons that represent 1st,
2nd, and 3rd shift. We input up to 50 forms per day. The forms may be
entered the next day. The calendar will always go to todays date because of
the code Now() used. How do I make the date stay at the last date that was
enetered? How do I make the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shift buttons stay at last
shift selected after data has been entered? This would allow the data entry
person not to have to change date or shift if forms are grouped together.


default values

Hi Bill,

"The calendar will always go to todays date because of the code Now() used."

are you wanting to store date AND time? If so, then Now() would be
correct -- but if you just wanted a Date, the you should use Date()

"The calendar will always go to todays date"

it seeems that you are actually wanting the default value to be this:


"How do I make the date stay at the last date that was enetered?"


assuming that the last record entered has the date that you are looking for

.... if you provide more details about your forms and controls, we can be
more specific

"How do I make the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shift buttons stay at last
shift selected after data has been entered?"


assuming that the last record entered has the shift that you are looking for

Warm Regards,
:) have an awesome day :)
MVP Access
Remote Programming and Training
strive4peace2006 at

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