Date calculations



I've created a spreadsheet to deal with various lines of credit i'm
dealing with (mortgage, credit cards etc). The sheet lays out the
entire payment schedule until the credit line is paid off...there's
just one thing left to do. I want to be able to enter the starting
date (date of my next payment) on line one, then every line after that
i want to increment the date by 1 month. According to Excel help files
I just use [=EDATE(A1,1)] where A1 is the start_date and 1 is supposed
to increment the date by 1 month. It's not working. I'm getting
#NAME? as a result. I'm very new to excel calculations so I'm not sure
what to do next???


=EDATE(A1,1) works fine for me, but obviously the cells must be formatted as
date, otherwise it will display the numeric date value. Make sure you refer
to the correct cell containing the start date, though

Ron Rosenfeld

I've created a spreadsheet to deal with various lines of credit i'm
dealing with (mortgage, credit cards etc). The sheet lays out the
entire payment schedule until the credit line is paid off...there's
just one thing left to do. I want to be able to enter the starting
date (date of my next payment) on line one, then every line after that
i want to increment the date by 1 month. According to Excel help files
I just use [=EDATE(A1,1)] where A1 is the start_date and 1 is supposed
to increment the date by 1 month. It's not working. I'm getting
#NAME? as a result. I'm very new to excel calculations so I'm not sure
what to do next???

Did you look at HELP for the EDATE function?

Starting about the fourth line down:

If this function is not available, and returns the #NAME? error, install and
load the Analysis ToolPak add-in.


On the Tools menu, click Add-Ins.
In the Add-Ins available list, select the Analysis ToolPak box, and then click
If necessary, follow the instructions in the setup program.


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