


think it's rather simple...but don't know how.

Showing bound data on a page is quite simple if you use a datagrid,
datalist, etc.

But I just want to put some databound items on my page, without datagrid,
(And there will be just 1 record selected, so no repeating problem)

So, here is what I did to connect to the database and select the appropriate

####### code start #####

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

'Load all info from the database:

'define where the connectionstring is here:
Dim MyConnectionString as String =

'make the connection
Dim MyConnection as New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString)

'deine some variable needed for the SQL-string here:
Dim TheSelectedShopID as String = Request.QueryString("shopID")

'define the SQL-string here
Dim SQLstring As String
SQLstring = "SELECT * FROM tbl_shops WHERE shopID = " +

'create the DataAdapter
Dim MyAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(SqlString, MyConnection)

'create and fill the datatable
Dim MyDataTable as new Datatable

'create and fill the dataset
Dim MyDataSet as new Dataset

'create dataview
Dim MyView as DataView = MyDataSet.tables(0).defaultview

End Sub

############# end of code ########

So now, in my html code I would like to place something like this:

the name of the shop is <%# MyView.FieldValue("shopnameEN", Container) %>

But I get an error saying that MyView is not declared.

Must do something wrong here..?

btw. the connection works.
because if I use this it works:

'select the row in the datatable
Dim CurrentRow As DataRow
CurrentRow = myDataTable.Rows(0)

'set the texts in the page to the content of the datarow
shopname.text = CurrentRow("shopnameEN")

But I don't want to do it this way...

THX for advice.

Michael Tkachev


You cannot use "<%#" without datagrid control. If you want to show a result,
you have to use a datagrid or labels.

If you will be using a datagrid, you can hide borders and header or
something like this. therefore you will get just result. Also you can use
labels and then use sqldatareader.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("your command", new sqlConnection("Your
connection String"));
SqlDatareader dr = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
label1.Text = dr[columnName or ColumnNeumber].ToString();
... etc

This code shows you how you can show a result without datagrid.




Let's say I use a Datatable and set for example my shopname this way:
shopname.text = CurrentRow("shopnameEN")
(I tried this and it works.)

Now, how could I set the background image of a table to
CurrentRow("shopImage") ??


Michael Tkachev said:

You cannot use "<%#" without datagrid control. If you want to show a result,
you have to use a datagrid or labels.

If you will be using a datagrid, you can hide borders and header or
something like this. therefore you will get just result. Also you can use
labels and then use sqldatareader.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("your command", new sqlConnection("Your
connection String"));
SqlDatareader dr = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
label1.Text = dr[columnName or ColumnNeumber].ToString();
... etc

This code shows you how you can show a result without datagrid.


nicholas said:
think it's rather simple...but don't know how.

Showing bound data on a page is quite simple if you use a datagrid,
datalist, etc.

But I just want to put some databound items on my page, without datagrid,
(And there will be just 1 record selected, so no repeating problem)

So, here is what I did to connect to the database and select the appropriate

####### code start #####

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

'Load all info from the database:

'define where the connectionstring is here:
Dim MyConnectionString as String =

'make the connection
Dim MyConnection as New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString)

'deine some variable needed for the SQL-string here:
Dim TheSelectedShopID as String = Request.QueryString("shopID")

'define the SQL-string here
Dim SQLstring As String
SQLstring = "SELECT * FROM tbl_shops WHERE shopID = " +

'create the DataAdapter
Dim MyAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(SqlString, MyConnection)

'create and fill the datatable
Dim MyDataTable as new Datatable

'create and fill the dataset
Dim MyDataSet as new Dataset

'create dataview
Dim MyView as DataView = MyDataSet.tables(0).defaultview

End Sub

############# end of code ########

So now, in my html code I would like to place something like this:

the name of the shop is <%# MyView.FieldValue("shopnameEN", Container) %>

But I get an error saying that MyView is not declared.

Must do something wrong here..?

btw. the connection works.
because if I use this it works:

'select the row in the datatable
Dim CurrentRow As DataRow
CurrentRow = myDataTable.Rows(0)

'set the texts in the page to the content of the datarow
shopname.text = CurrentRow("shopnameEN")

But I don't want to do it this way...

THX for advice.


problem solved.

I used an ASP table, so that I can set every property of that table.


nicholas said:

Let's say I use a Datatable and set for example my shopname this way:
shopname.text = CurrentRow("shopnameEN")
(I tried this and it works.)

Now, how could I set the background image of a table to
CurrentRow("shopImage") ??


Michael Tkachev said:

You cannot use "<%#" without datagrid control. If you want to show a result,
you have to use a datagrid or labels.

If you will be using a datagrid, you can hide borders and header or
something like this. therefore you will get just result. Also you can use
labels and then use sqldatareader.

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("your command", new sqlConnection("Your
connection String"));
SqlDatareader dr = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
label1.Text = dr[columnName or ColumnNeumber].ToString();
... etc

This code shows you how you can show a result without datagrid.


nicholas said:
think it's rather simple...but don't know how.

Showing bound data on a page is quite simple if you use a datagrid,
datalist, etc.

But I just want to put some databound items on my page, without datagrid,
(And there will be just 1 record selected, so no repeating problem)

So, here is what I did to connect to the database and select the appropriate

####### code start #####

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)

'Load all info from the database:

'define where the connectionstring is here:
Dim MyConnectionString as String =

'make the connection
Dim MyConnection as New SqlConnection(MyConnectionString)

'deine some variable needed for the SQL-string here:
Dim TheSelectedShopID as String = Request.QueryString("shopID")

'define the SQL-string here
Dim SQLstring As String
SQLstring = "SELECT * FROM tbl_shops WHERE shopID = " +

'create the DataAdapter
Dim MyAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter(SqlString, MyConnection)

'create and fill the datatable
Dim MyDataTable as new Datatable

'create and fill the dataset
Dim MyDataSet as new Dataset

'create dataview
Dim MyView as DataView = MyDataSet.tables(0).defaultview

End Sub

############# end of code ########

So now, in my html code I would like to place something like this:

the name of the shop is <%# MyView.FieldValue("shopnameEN", Container) %>

But I get an error saying that MyView is not declared.

Must do something wrong here..?

btw. the connection works.
because if I use this it works:

'select the row in the datatable
Dim CurrentRow As DataRow
CurrentRow = myDataTable.Rows(0)

'set the texts in the page to the content of the datarow
shopname.text = CurrentRow("shopnameEN")

But I don't want to do it this way...

THX for advice.

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