DatagridView Disable some rows selection




I have a datagrid view filled with some data, in that data some of the cells
are null and I would like to not let the user select the rows with null

the problem is that the selection goes there when I click and then jump back
to last selected row... the correct behaviour would be stay on the last
selected row always until the user select a new valid row...

I desperate trying to solve this for weeks... please somebody give me a

Thanks in advance


Does this help if you change the values for your grid and tables? I have this
code in the cell changed event

foreach (DataRow myDataRow in fixed1DataSet.Tables["Commands"].Rows)
s1Command = (myDataRow["CommandName"].ToString());
userUsed = (myDataRow["UseCode"].ToString()); //
get if user code is used for this comand
if (userUsed == "False")
e.RowIndex].ReadOnly = true; // disable user code cell
e.RowIndex].ReadOnly = false; // enable user code cell


Sorry Chris but that is not what I am looking for...

The table is always readonly...
I just don't want it to allow to select rows with null values...

if the user click a row with null... the grid is supposed to don't change
else if the user clicks on a row with all the info.. the selection go to
this row...

this should be a quite simple think to do but the datagrid does the
behaviour I described... selects the row with null and then go back to where
it should stay...

Chris said:
Does this help if you change the values for your grid and tables? I have this
code in the cell changed event

foreach (DataRow myDataRow in fixed1DataSet.Tables["Commands"].Rows)
s1Command = (myDataRow["CommandName"].ToString());
userUsed = (myDataRow["UseCode"].ToString()); //
get if user code is used for this comand
if (userUsed == "False")
e.RowIndex].ReadOnly = true; // disable user code cell
e.RowIndex].ReadOnly = false; // enable user code cell

Diogo Alves - Software Developer said:

I have a datagrid view filled with some data, in that data some of the cells
are null and I would like to not let the user select the rows with null

the problem is that the selection goes there when I click and then jump back
to last selected row... the correct behaviour would be stay on the last
selected row always until the user select a new valid row...

I desperate trying to solve this for weeks... please somebody give me a

Thanks in advance

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