


i have a datagrid bound to a datatable. Each row has a hyperlink button
clicking whiich wil redirect users to different page which opens the detailed
information for that item stored in database. Now if i need to open different
record, i need to go back to datagrid and click on respective button.

I want to add two buttons on the detail info page Next/Previous clicking
which will display detailed info for the respective items therefore saving
trip back to the datagrid page.

Is there any easy way to do this?

Thanks and Merry Christmas...



Not sure if this is exactly what you have in mind but...

I had a similar situation and I just put in an OnClick method...

<INPUT Class="Select" style="Height:22px; width:300px;
background-color:transparent; color:#c0ffff; border-style:none;
text-align:left" type="button"
value="<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "FULLNAME") %>"
OnMouseover="MouseOn(this);" OnMouseOut="MouseOff(this);"
OnClick="parent.frames('OptionButtons').PicPerson(this.parentElement.nextSibling.innerText, <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "SEQ") %>);">

Mine runs a method in another frame. But yours could do whatever you want
it to, including opening another window, making an invisible control visible
- or whatever you need it to do. The point is that whatever you do can be
completely client-side - and still controlled by values gotten from a
databound grid.


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