DataGrid - Paging problems


Ruy Castelli


I'm learning to code in C# and I created a DataGrid component, which I
couldn't get it to work properly either using "Next >>" and "<< Previous"
buttons or using actual page numbers.

When I use the "Next" and "Previous" buttons, I move on one page (going from
page 1 to 2). Then if I click next on page 2, it comes back to page 2. I
checked my code several times and I can't find anything wrong with it. If I
click on Previous, it comes back to page 1.

When I use the actual page numbers, on the very first time the applications
shows all possible page numbers possible (1 to 10 maybe). Then if I click on
page 2, it refreshes and shows the correct number of pages (4) and only
links 1 to 4 are displayed. Now, I can access any page I want and the
application displays it properly, the problem is on the first time it
displays the data.

Basically, it's a page when 2 TextBoxes and one Button. When the user clicks
on this button, the application adds data to a database and displays all

I'm not using Page_Load for that, let me know if I'm wrong. I'm just using
the Button_Click event:

private void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (name.Text.Trim().Length>0 &&
oleDbDataAdapter1.InsertCommand.CommandText =
"INSERT INTO [msg log] "+
"(hour, name, msg) "+
"'"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+"', "+
"'"+name.Text.Trim()+"', "+
name.Text = "";
msg.Text = "";
oleDbDataAdapter1.SelectCommand.CommandText =
"SELECT hora, nome, msg FROM [msg log]";
catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException exception)
Error.Visible = true;
Error.Text = "Error on server: " + exception.ToString();

And here is my PageIndexChanged Event:

private void DataGrid1_PageIndexChanged(object source,
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridPageChangedEventArgs e)
DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;

Please, let me know if there is something very wrong with it.


Elton W

Hi Ruy,

In PageIndexChanged event the code should be:

DataGrid1.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
DataGrid1.DataSource = DataSourceObject; // You have to
re-bind data source

And yo should also have datagrid's viewstate enabled.


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)

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