datagrid paging problem IIS windows 2003 server


Manuel Alves

ASP 2.0 on XP pro dev machine works fine.

Publishing to windows 2003 server worked OK until I included paging for a

On page load I cal sub binddata

Private Sub binddata()
Dim ds As DataSet = getMydataset()
mydatagrid.DataSource = ds
end sub

on mydatagrid_PageIndexChanged:

mydatagrid_PageIndexChanged(...) Handles mydatagrid.PageIndexChanged
mydatagrid.CurrentPageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
End Sub

What happens:
a) sometimes I get to move to another page OK but get error on navigating to
b) timeout errors

Any clue? If I give up datagrid paging everything works fine on server 2003.
On XP dev machine no problem. Both access same SQL server 2000 database.

Best regards,
Manuel Alves

S. Justin Gengo


I've noticed strange behaviour on machines that don't have all the updates
installed on them. Are all the updates installed on the machine your are
pulling the site up in?


S. Justin Gengo
Web Developer / Programmer

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"Out of chaos comes order."

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Manuel,

I think you can have a look at Justin's suggestion. Also, based on the code
snippet you provded, it doesn't look like a code logic issue, likely a
environment specific problem. Have you tried running the same application
on other server machine(with paging turn on) to see whether the problem


Steven Cheng
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Manuel Alves

Thank you. Moving to another server solved the problem.

The machine I was publishing to was a server 2003 upgraded from win srv
2000. It has all the fixes and framework 2.0 EXCEPT .NET Framework 1.0
Service Pack 3 that always failed to install no matter what I tried.

Once again, thanks to you both for your prompt and usefull response.

Best regards,
Manuel Alves

Steven Cheng[MSFT]

You're welcome Manuel,

Glad to be of assistance.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Community Support


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