DataGrid Control: Paging Using URI Params?


Axel Dahmen


I'm using a DataGrid control to show a table's content with paging. For
navigation through the pages I'm using the DataGrid's intrinsic navigation

My problem: The DataGrid navigation links use JavaScript to jump between
pages. I want them to use standard hyperlinks providing the page number in
some URL parameter so that I can copy the hyperlink elsewhere.

Can someone please enlighten me on if this is possible without writing my
own paging mechanism?

Axel Dahmen


Hi Axel,

I don’t think the thing is so simple. At least datagrid pagination is not so
called simply using JavaScript jump. It requires having pagechanged event and
event trigger to handle paging. It also needs code to implement paging. In
most case, it requires datagrid’s viewstate enabled, that means necessary
data need to post to server. Apparently in addition what I mentioned above
..NET also does many underneath works. So it’s impossible to perfor paging
simply using hyperlink with query string (GET method will lose all state of
client-side showed datagrid).


Elton Wang
(e-mail address removed)

Axel Dahmen

Ah, I see, you're right... I forgot about ViewState... Thanks !


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