DataBinding to a UserControl with several nested, Bindable UserControls


Steve K.

I've created a couple of different UserControls to minimize duplicate
control and provide a consistent look for my data entry application. A
couple of examples are:

- [TextBox Controls] Address1, Address2, City, Zipcode
- [ComboBox Controls] State

- [TextBox Controls] CarrierName, PolicyNum, GroupNum, Relationship
- [MaskedTextBox Controls] CarrierPhone, CarrierFax
- [SimpleAddress Controls] CarrierAddress

You' notice that in the InsurancePolicyDetails UC there is a nested
SimpleAdress UC. This is but one example of the way I've structured my
various User Controls.

I'm struggling with how to handle the DataBinding for these User Controls.
I have the following Requirements and Concerns:
- Requirements -
1) SimpleAddress can be used in a Form or top level UserControl by iteself,
it won't always be nested in another custom UserControl and as such needs to
be bindable on it's own.
2) I need to set the State ComboBox's DataSource property (A Static IList
of states)
3) I need to bind a single entity (IE: Patient, Physician, etc) to the
SelectedValue of the SimpleAddress.State control
4) The CarrierName TextBox is a special, extended TextBox ( ) and needs to be
bound to it's DataSource via a UserControl level Bindable Property. What
I'm saying is that if I use the InsurancePolicyDetails UserControl on a form
I need to bind DIRECTLY to a property of InsurancePolicyDetails that
gets/sets the Text property of the InsuranceCarrierName TextBox.
5) Ability to DataBind to the SimpleAddress nested in the

- Problems I'm Having -
1) If I use Bindable Properties of my UserControls to expose the contained
Controls to DataBinding I could have many levels of "delegation" (I'm sure
there is a better term). For example, if I want to Bind an InsuranceCarrier
entity to the CarrierPhone control in my SimpleAddress which is contained in
my InsurancePolicyDetails Control I would need to add the following code:
// SimpleAddress.cs
public string Phone
get { return maskedTextBox_Phone.Text; }
set { maskedTextBox_Phone.Text = value; }

// InsurancePolicyDetails.cs
public string CarrierPhone
get { return simpleAddress1.Phone; }
set { simpleAddress1.Phone = value; }

Consider that I might some day want to nest InsurancePolicyDetails into a
"PatientFinancialData" UserControl and will need yet ANOTHER layer:

// PatientFinancialData.cs
public string PatientPrimaryCarrierPhone
get { return insurancePolicyDetails_Primary.CarrierPhone; }
set { insurancePolicyDetails_Primary.CarrierPhone = value; }

So I would flag this whole mess as "Bad Design" - shame on me! :0) But
what are my alternatives?
a) Include BindingSource objects IN the UserControls adding properties to
container Controls to expose the BindingSource.
b) Bubble the whole damn UserControl out to the world via properties and
let the concerned object (Form, UserControl, etc) setup the BindingSource to
the exposes in Controls. That needs an explanation:
// InsurancePolicyDetails.cs
public string SimpleAddress
get { return simpleAddress1; }
set { simpleAddress1 = value; }

// PatientFinancialData.cs
public string InsurancePolicyDetails
get { return insurancePolicyDetails_Primary; }
set { insurancePolicyDetails_Primary = value; }

// My Form or UserControl that is displaying these controls.cs
PatientFinancialData pfd = new PatientFinancialData();
pfd.InsurancePolicyDetails.DataSource = _patient.PrimaryPolicy;
pfd.InsurancePolicyDetails.SimpleAddress.DataSource =

// YUCK! Barf!

I don't like this either... I can't say why yet, but it doesn't seem

So I could go on and on. What this all boils down to is that I really don't
know the correct way to accomplish what I'm need to. I've created these
UserControls (great) and they look nice (fine) but now that it has come time
to wire them up I've got a real mess on my hands.

I'd be very curious to hear how you pros think I should design this. I
don't mean I expect you to give me a full design or anything, just some
guidance or possibly suggestion that I haven't thought of. I'd really like
to wrap up this project this weekend and this darn
UserControl/DataBinding/Properties/DataSource issue has me blocked.

Hopefully I included enough information for things to make sense.

Any feedback/help greatly appreciated!


Morten Wennevik [C# MVP]

Hi Steve,

I have good experience using a base usercontrol setting up the databinding
as well as keeping track of on which level in a BindingSource we are at.
This way, a usercontrol can be put at any level provided it can be bound to a
specific entity. It does not need to know of anything but this entity. The
parent control is responsible for pointing out where this entity is and all
the usercontrol does is bind to the lowest level property. For this to work
well, the business model needs to be closely tied to the usercontrols with a
separate class per usercontrol.

I've set up some sample code demonstrating this, in this sample a Winform
contains a textbox and a InsurancePolicyDetail control which in turn contains
an SimpleAddress control.

public partial class BaseControl : UserControl
public BaseControl()

string _path;
BindingSource _source;

public virtual void SetDatabinding(BindingSource source, string path)
_path = path;
_source = source;

if (!_path.EndsWith("."))
_path += ".";

protected void BindProperty(string property, Control control, string
Binding binding = new Binding(property, _source, _path +

protected void BindCombo(Control control, string sourceProperty,
string selectedProperty)
Binding binding = new Binding("DataSource", _source, _path +
Binding binding2 = new Binding("SelectedItem", _source, _path +

public partial class SimpleAddress : BaseControl
public SimpleAddress()

public override void SetDatabinding(BindingSource source, string path)
base.SetDatabinding(source, path);

BindProperty("Text", textBox1, "Address1");
BindProperty("Text", textBox2, "Address2");
BindProperty("Text", textBox3, "City");
BindProperty("Text", textBox4, "Zipcode");
BindCombo(comboBox1, "States", "State");

public partial class InsurancePolicyDetails : BaseControl
public InsurancePolicyDetails()

public override void SetDatabinding(BindingSource source, string path)
base.SetDatabinding(source, path);

BindProperty("Text", textBox1, "CarrierName");
BindProperty("Text", textBox2, "PolicyNum");
BindProperty("Text", textBox3, "GroupNum");

simpleAddress1.SetDatabinding(source, path + ".CarrierAddress");

public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
Carrier c = new Carrier();
c.CarrierID = "1";
c.CarrierInfo = new CarrierInfo();
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierName = "CName";
c.CarrierInfo.GroupNum = "2";
c.CarrierInfo.PolicyNum = "3";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress = new CarrierAddress();
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.Address1 = "Adre1";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.Address2 = "Adre2";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.City = "C";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.Zipcode = "Zip";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.States = new List<string>();

BindingSource source = new BindingSource(c, "");
textBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", source, "CarrierID");

insurancePolicyDetails1.SetDatabinding(source, ".CarrierInfo");

public class Carrier
private string _id;

public string CarrierID
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }

private CarrierInfo _info;

public CarrierInfo CarrierInfo
get { return _info; }
set { _info = value; }

public class CarrierInfo
private string _name;

public string CarrierName
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
private string _policy;

public string PolicyNum
get { return _policy; }
set { _policy = value; }
private string _group;

public string GroupNum
get { return _group; }
set { _group = value; }
private CarrierAddress _address;

public CarrierAddress CarrierAddress
get { return _address; }
set { _address = value; }

public class CarrierAddress
private string _adr1;

public string Address1
get { return _adr1; }
set { _adr1 = value; }
private string _adr2;

public string Address2
get { return _adr2; }
set { _adr2 = value; }
private string _city;

public string City
get { return _city; }
set { _city = value; }
private string _zip;

public string Zipcode
get { return _zip; }
set { _zip = value; }

private string _state;

public string State
get { return _state; }
set { _state = value; }

private IList<string> _states;

public IList<string> States
get { return _states; }
set { _states = value; }

Happy Coding!
Morten Wennevik [C# MVP]

Steve K. said:
I've created a couple of different UserControls to minimize duplicate
control and provide a consistent look for my data entry application. A
couple of examples are:

- [TextBox Controls] Address1, Address2, City, Zipcode
- [ComboBox Controls] State

- [TextBox Controls] CarrierName, PolicyNum, GroupNum, Relationship
- [MaskedTextBox Controls] CarrierPhone, CarrierFax
- [SimpleAddress Controls] CarrierAddress

You' notice that in the InsurancePolicyDetails UC there is a nested
SimpleAdress UC. This is but one example of the way I've structured my
various User Controls.

I'm struggling with how to handle the DataBinding for these User Controls.
I have the following Requirements and Concerns:
- Requirements -
1) SimpleAddress can be used in a Form or top level UserControl by iteself,
it won't always be nested in another custom UserControl and as such needs to
be bindable on it's own.
2) I need to set the State ComboBox's DataSource property (A Static IList
of states)
3) I need to bind a single entity (IE: Patient, Physician, etc) to the
SelectedValue of the SimpleAddress.State control
4) The CarrierName TextBox is a special, extended TextBox ( ) and needs to be
bound to it's DataSource via a UserControl level Bindable Property. What
I'm saying is that if I use the InsurancePolicyDetails UserControl on a form
I need to bind DIRECTLY to a property of InsurancePolicyDetails that
gets/sets the Text property of the InsuranceCarrierName TextBox.
5) Ability to DataBind to the SimpleAddress nested in the

- Problems I'm Having -
1) If I use Bindable Properties of my UserControls to expose the contained
Controls to DataBinding I could have many levels of "delegation" (I'm sure
there is a better term). For example, if I want to Bind an InsuranceCarrier
entity to the CarrierPhone control in my SimpleAddress which is contained in
my InsurancePolicyDetails Control I would need to add the following code:
// SimpleAddress.cs
public string Phone
get { return maskedTextBox_Phone.Text; }
set { maskedTextBox_Phone.Text = value; }

// InsurancePolicyDetails.cs
public string CarrierPhone
get { return simpleAddress1.Phone; }
set { simpleAddress1.Phone = value; }

Consider that I might some day want to nest InsurancePolicyDetails into a
"PatientFinancialData" UserControl and will need yet ANOTHER layer:

// PatientFinancialData.cs
public string PatientPrimaryCarrierPhone
get { return insurancePolicyDetails_Primary.CarrierPhone; }
set { insurancePolicyDetails_Primary.CarrierPhone = value; }

So I would flag this whole mess as "Bad Design" - shame on me! :0) But
what are my alternatives?
a) Include BindingSource objects IN the UserControls adding properties to
container Controls to expose the BindingSource.
b) Bubble the whole damn UserControl out to the world via properties and
let the concerned object (Form, UserControl, etc) setup the BindingSource to
the exposes in Controls. That needs an explanation:
// InsurancePolicyDetails.cs
public string SimpleAddress
get { return simpleAddress1; }
set { simpleAddress1 = value; }

// PatientFinancialData.cs
public string InsurancePolicyDetails
get { return insurancePolicyDetails_Primary; }
set { insurancePolicyDetails_Primary = value; }

// My Form or UserControl that is displaying these controls.cs
PatientFinancialData pfd = new PatientFinancialData();
pfd.InsurancePolicyDetails.DataSource = _patient.PrimaryPolicy;
pfd.InsurancePolicyDetails.SimpleAddress.DataSource =

// YUCK! Barf!

I don't like this either... I can't say why yet, but it doesn't seem

So I could go on and on. What this all boils down to is that I really don't
know the correct way to accomplish what I'm need to. I've created these
UserControls (great) and they look nice (fine) but now that it has come time
to wire them up I've got a real mess on my hands.

I'd be very curious to hear how you pros think I should design this. I
don't mean I expect you to give me a full design or anything, just some
guidance or possibly suggestion that I haven't thought of. I'd really like
to wrap up this project this weekend and this darn
UserControl/DataBinding/Properties/DataSource issue has me blocked.

Hopefully I included enough information for things to make sense.

Any feedback/help greatly appreciated!



Hi Morten,

I didnt notice your response until just now! I'm heading home in a bit and
will review it when I'm there. Thanks for the example, I'm excited to check
it out.
I didn't want you to think I was ignoring your substantial reply...


Morten Wennevik said:
Hi Steve,

I have good experience using a base usercontrol setting up the databinding
as well as keeping track of on which level in a BindingSource we are at.
This way, a usercontrol can be put at any level provided it can be bound
to a
specific entity. It does not need to know of anything but this entity.
parent control is responsible for pointing out where this entity is and
the usercontrol does is bind to the lowest level property. For this to
well, the business model needs to be closely tied to the usercontrols with
separate class per usercontrol.

I've set up some sample code demonstrating this, in this sample a Winform
contains a textbox and a InsurancePolicyDetail control which in turn
an SimpleAddress control.

public partial class BaseControl : UserControl
public BaseControl()

string _path;
BindingSource _source;

public virtual void SetDatabinding(BindingSource source, string
_path = path;
_source = source;

if (!_path.EndsWith("."))
_path += ".";

protected void BindProperty(string property, Control control,
Binding binding = new Binding(property, _source, _path +

protected void BindCombo(Control control, string sourceProperty,
string selectedProperty)
Binding binding = new Binding("DataSource", _source, _path +
Binding binding2 = new Binding("SelectedItem", _source, _path +

public partial class SimpleAddress : BaseControl
public SimpleAddress()

public override void SetDatabinding(BindingSource source, string
base.SetDatabinding(source, path);

BindProperty("Text", textBox1, "Address1");
BindProperty("Text", textBox2, "Address2");
BindProperty("Text", textBox3, "City");
BindProperty("Text", textBox4, "Zipcode");
BindCombo(comboBox1, "States", "State");

public partial class InsurancePolicyDetails : BaseControl
public InsurancePolicyDetails()

public override void SetDatabinding(BindingSource source, string
base.SetDatabinding(source, path);

BindProperty("Text", textBox1, "CarrierName");
BindProperty("Text", textBox2, "PolicyNum");
BindProperty("Text", textBox3, "GroupNum");

simpleAddress1.SetDatabinding(source, path +

public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()

protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
Carrier c = new Carrier();
c.CarrierID = "1";
c.CarrierInfo = new CarrierInfo();
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierName = "CName";
c.CarrierInfo.GroupNum = "2";
c.CarrierInfo.PolicyNum = "3";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress = new CarrierAddress();
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.Address1 = "Adre1";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.Address2 = "Adre2";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.City = "C";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.Zipcode = "Zip";
c.CarrierInfo.CarrierAddress.States = new List<string>();

BindingSource source = new BindingSource(c, "");
textBox1.DataBindings.Add("Text", source, "CarrierID");

insurancePolicyDetails1.SetDatabinding(source, ".CarrierInfo");

public class Carrier
private string _id;

public string CarrierID
get { return _id; }
set { _id = value; }

private CarrierInfo _info;

public CarrierInfo CarrierInfo
get { return _info; }
set { _info = value; }

public class CarrierInfo
private string _name;

public string CarrierName
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
private string _policy;

public string PolicyNum
get { return _policy; }
set { _policy = value; }
private string _group;

public string GroupNum
get { return _group; }
set { _group = value; }
private CarrierAddress _address;

public CarrierAddress CarrierAddress
get { return _address; }
set { _address = value; }

public class CarrierAddress
private string _adr1;

public string Address1
get { return _adr1; }
set { _adr1 = value; }
private string _adr2;

public string Address2
get { return _adr2; }
set { _adr2 = value; }
private string _city;

public string City
get { return _city; }
set { _city = value; }
private string _zip;

public string Zipcode
get { return _zip; }
set { _zip = value; }

private string _state;

public string State
get { return _state; }
set { _state = value; }

private IList<string> _states;

public IList<string> States
get { return _states; }
set { _states = value; }

Happy Coding!
Morten Wennevik [C# MVP]

Steve K. said:
I've created a couple of different UserControls to minimize duplicate
control and provide a consistent look for my data entry application. A
couple of examples are:

- [TextBox Controls] Address1, Address2, City, Zipcode
- [ComboBox Controls] State

- [TextBox Controls] CarrierName, PolicyNum, GroupNum, Relationship
- [MaskedTextBox Controls] CarrierPhone, CarrierFax
- [SimpleAddress Controls] CarrierAddress

You' notice that in the InsurancePolicyDetails UC there is a nested
SimpleAdress UC. This is but one example of the way I've structured my
various User Controls.

I'm struggling with how to handle the DataBinding for these User
I have the following Requirements and Concerns:
- Requirements -
1) SimpleAddress can be used in a Form or top level UserControl by
it won't always be nested in another custom UserControl and as such needs
be bindable on it's own.
2) I need to set the State ComboBox's DataSource property (A Static
of states)
3) I need to bind a single entity (IE: Patient, Physician, etc) to the
SelectedValue of the SimpleAddress.State control
4) The CarrierName TextBox is a special, extended TextBox ( ) and needs to be
bound to it's DataSource via a UserControl level Bindable Property. What
I'm saying is that if I use the InsurancePolicyDetails UserControl on a
I need to bind DIRECTLY to a property of InsurancePolicyDetails that
gets/sets the Text property of the InsuranceCarrierName TextBox.
5) Ability to DataBind to the SimpleAddress nested in the

- Problems I'm Having -
1) If I use Bindable Properties of my UserControls to expose the
Controls to DataBinding I could have many levels of "delegation" (I'm
there is a better term). For example, if I want to Bind an
entity to the CarrierPhone control in my SimpleAddress which is contained
my InsurancePolicyDetails Control I would need to add the following code:
// SimpleAddress.cs
public string Phone
get { return maskedTextBox_Phone.Text; }
set { maskedTextBox_Phone.Text = value; }

// InsurancePolicyDetails.cs
public string CarrierPhone
get { return simpleAddress1.Phone; }
set { simpleAddress1.Phone = value; }

Consider that I might some day want to nest InsurancePolicyDetails into a
"PatientFinancialData" UserControl and will need yet ANOTHER layer:

// PatientFinancialData.cs
public string PatientPrimaryCarrierPhone
get { return insurancePolicyDetails_Primary.CarrierPhone; }
set { insurancePolicyDetails_Primary.CarrierPhone = value; }

So I would flag this whole mess as "Bad Design" - shame on me! :0) But
what are my alternatives?
a) Include BindingSource objects IN the UserControls adding properties
container Controls to expose the BindingSource.
b) Bubble the whole damn UserControl out to the world via properties
let the concerned object (Form, UserControl, etc) setup the BindingSource
the exposes in Controls. That needs an explanation:
// InsurancePolicyDetails.cs
public string SimpleAddress
get { return simpleAddress1; }
set { simpleAddress1 = value; }

// PatientFinancialData.cs
public string InsurancePolicyDetails
get { return insurancePolicyDetails_Primary; }
set { insurancePolicyDetails_Primary = value; }

// My Form or UserControl that is displaying these controls.cs
PatientFinancialData pfd = new PatientFinancialData();
pfd.InsurancePolicyDetails.DataSource = _patient.PrimaryPolicy;
pfd.InsurancePolicyDetails.SimpleAddress.DataSource =

// YUCK! Barf!

I don't like this either... I can't say why yet, but it doesn't seem

So I could go on and on. What this all boils down to is that I really
know the correct way to accomplish what I'm need to. I've created these
UserControls (great) and they look nice (fine) but now that it has come
to wire them up I've got a real mess on my hands.

I'd be very curious to hear how you pros think I should design this. I
don't mean I expect you to give me a full design or anything, just some
guidance or possibly suggestion that I haven't thought of. I'd really
to wrap up this project this weekend and this darn
UserControl/DataBinding/Properties/DataSource issue has me blocked.

Hopefully I included enough information for things to make sense.

Any feedback/help greatly appreciated!


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