Databinding Dates in ASP .Net 2.0



Is there a good way to databind a textbox to a date field that will not throw
an error when a null is encountered. I tried changing the Null Value in the
dataset , but when I do I get the following message:

For columns not defined as System.String, the only valid value is (Throw

Normally when a date is not set, I leave it null. Even if I used a value to
represent not set (1/1/1900), I wouldn't want this to display on the form.
This wouldn't be an issue in 1.1, since I could just bind to a method passing
the field, and access the dataset in the code behind. In 2.0, you have to
use the objectdatasource control, and I do not have access to the underlying

If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it.


So since the SqlDateTime is not supported in a dataset, you basically can't
do this if your objectdatasource is using a dataset. Is that correct?

Brock Allen

So since the SqlDateTime is not supported in a dataset, you basically
can't do this if your objectdatasource is using a dataset. Is that

Why do you say that? It works fine for me. It probabaly doesn't display exactly
how you'd like when it's null, since that's exactly what it does display:
"Null". The other idea it to either create your own class to hold the DateTime
and override ToString() returning the empoty string when null, or handle
the GridView's (or DataGrid's) RowDataBound (or ItemDataBound) and then going
into the cell that has the null value and changing it to contain an empty
string when the DateTime is null.


Brock Allen

So since the SqlDateTime is not supported in a dataset, you basically
Why do you say that? It works fine for me.

Oops, I completely misread that you had said DataSet. I read it as DataGrid.
In that case from your ObjectDataSource instead of returning DataSets, consider
returning a collection of custom classes. Sorry for the confusion.



Okay, so instead of ASP.Net reducing the amount of time required for me to
develop this page, it is increasing it by 4 - 6 hours while I develop this
class that will basically wrap the dataset.

This is also forcing me to move the formating of my dates from the ui (where
it belongs) to the business class.


There is no such event in the formview, but there is a databound and
databinding event. The problem is that there is no way to access the
ObjectDataSource underlying data object to retrieve the data. I can
implement a custom binding method, but without access to the underlying data
it is useless.

Actually I just figured it out. Apparently, you can access the current data
item through the formview instead of the objectdatasource. Using this
information, I can properly bind the date. Now all I have to do is figure
out how to make this work with two way binding.

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