DataBinder.Eval question



I have a class method that returns a DataSet.

I use bind this to my Repeater control.
Inside the Repeater i have

<li><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "name") %> <%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "enabled") %></li>

I want to include a checkbox that will be 'checked' when enabled='t'. I
don't want to use the asp:Checkbox control as i will be doing custom
form submission on change.

I notice i cannot do:
<input type="checkbox" value="t" <%# if (DataBinder.Eva(Container.DataItem,
"enabled") == 't') { Response.Write("checked"); } %> />

So i'm after suggestions as to how i can achieve this?



Hi, Chris

You might try adding a calculated column to your dataset
ds.Columns.Add("Checked", System.Type.GetType("System.String"), "IIF(enabled='t', 'Checked', '')"

<input type="checkbox" value="t" <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Checked") %> /

Bin Song, MCP

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