databind to a cookie



How can you databind a textbox control to a cookie value? I actually
have 10 textboxes that need to be programmatically filled with text
strings from a cookie and databinding to the cookie is where this has
led me. How can I populate a datagrid with the cookie values?



Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)

Hi Jack,

To Bind to a DataGrid you could parse the cookie and save the values on a
Array or ArrayList then you can bind that array List to the grid.

To Bind it to the textboxes you can use something like this:
( in aspx file )
<asp:TextBox id="id1" Text='<%# GetCookieValue( PARAMETER) %>'

PARAMETER will be a value indicating what part of the cookie you will want.
for this example let's assume that the cookie is a comma separate set of
strings. then PARAMETER can be an integer

( in the cs file )
protected string GetCookieValue( int index )
string[] parts = Request.Cookies[COOKIE_NAME"].Value.Split( new char[]
{','} );
return parts[index];

Hope this help,

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