Database problem



I encountered a problem when i use frontpage2002 to create
a survey form. My web server is IIS5.0. The survey result
will store at SQL Database.
Now I have 3 problems encountered and need brother help me
to solve.
Firstly, I can't get the information of server date, only
can get the server time.
My source code is follow:
But I can get the server date & time if i don't use the
comfirmation page.

Secondly, the survey form have one field call "Comment", I
use TextArea Box to create it and let user to type their
comment. But this field only can capture the information
up to carriage return. After the new line can't capture
the information.

Lastly, how can I prevent user to do more than 1 time
survey. I try to used the "username" as primary key, it
can protect the database that will not have duplicate
record of the same user. But it will not show the error
message to remind user that they already fill in the

Many thanks for your help.

Jim Buyens

Responses interspersed...
-----Original Message-----
I encountered a problem when i use frontpage2002 to create
a survey form. My web server is IIS5.0. The survey result
will store at SQL Database.
Now I have 3 problems encountered and need brother help me
to solve.
Firstly, I can't get the information of server date, only
can get the server time.
My source code is follow:
But I can get the server date & time if i don't use the
comfirmation page.

Are you programming this yourself, in ASP or ASP.NET?

If so, you would typically code:

Secondly, the survey form have one field call "Comment", I
use TextArea Box to create it and let user to type their
comment. But this field only can capture the information
up to carriage return. After the new line can't capture
the information.

Try using a different program to display the captured
data. Many programs (such as the Datasheet view in Access)
only display the first line of multiline text, even though
additional lines are in the database.
Lastly, how can I prevent user to do more than 1 time
survey. I try to used the "username" as primary key, it
can protect the database that will not have duplicate
record of the same user. But it will not show the error
message to remind user that they already fill in the

Many thanks for your help.

You would have to custom-program this in ASP or ASP.NET.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

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