Database is corrupt, All users loged out, and LDB file won't delet



I have a database shared over a network.

A user's computer locked up and he used Task Manager to close MS Access. Now
the .ldb file won't go away. All my users are logged out (at least I'm 99%
sure), but it's still there and I cannot delete it. I cannot repair the
databse until the .ldb file goes away.

I made a local copy of the database to repair it, but it crashes halfway
through the repair. I also have a backup, but I cannot overwrite the existing
DB until the .ldb goes away.

Any thoughts? PLEASE HELP...


This will usuall do it for deleting an ldb file. In explorer, navigate to
the file and right click. Then select Properties, Security, Advanced, Owner.
It will tell you who owns the ldb file (the first person to open it). Have
that person delete it.

If this database is not split and shared over a network, get good at this.
You will need to know how to do it.

If it is a front end part of a split database shared over a network, not
that bad unless something like this happes. The other downside is it costs a
lot in network traffic.

It probably is one of the two previous circumstances. I can't recall where
a shared back end has crashed and corrupted because a user killed Access with
the Task Manager. Wont say it can't happen, just never seen it myself.

Long story short - Split database with invididual copies of FE on each user
computer and BE on shared folder is the fastest, safest configuration.

Van T. Dinh

I am guessing that you are using an unsplit Access database system stored on
your server?

If that is the case, it is possible that the server may still mark the LDB
file as an open file and it won't allow you to delete the LDB file. You can
check this in the Computer Management console of the server.

If it is marked as open, you may need network / server admin to close the
LDB file before it can be deleted.

You should really split your database into Front-End and Back-End urgently
to avoid this sort of problems.

John Spencer

One other possible way is to shut down the server completely. And then restart
it. I've had to do this on one occasion. Also, depending on your network
setup, if the admin force logoff everyone at night before doing a backup, that
may allow you to delete the .ldb file.


Thanks for the help everyone. Splitting now...

Van T. Dinh said:
I am guessing that you are using an unsplit Access database system stored on
your server?

If that is the case, it is possible that the server may still mark the LDB
file as an open file and it won't allow you to delete the LDB file. You can
check this in the Computer Management console of the server.

If it is marked as open, you may need network / server admin to close the
LDB file before it can be deleted.

You should really split your database into Front-End and Back-End urgently
to avoid this sort of problems.

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