Database backup



My database incurred an error while I was working on it and access shutdown.
However, it made a backup of the database. Now I have two files the database
file which is much smaller than it was previously and then the backup file of
the database which is the orginal size. Why is this? Which file should i be


My database now continues to get the same error and closing whenever i try
and edit a form....Why is this happening


Your database is corrupt. It happens and why a good backup is often a

If it's a form or report causing the problem, doing a compact and repair
probably won't help. If your backup is working OK and is recent, your best
bet is to start using it then enter in the missing records.

You could try opening a new database and importing all the objects from the
corrupt database. If something won't import, it's corrupt and try importing
it from the backup. I bet that the form you were trying to edit won't import.

Tony Toews

Jerry Whittle said:
If it's a form or report causing the problem, doing a compact and repair
probably won't help.

Correct. Compact and repair only fixes corruptions on tables.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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