Data Type Conversion error



I enter the procedures and module on Article ID 209871: "How to create
password protected Form of Report" in the Northwind Sample and I received the
error on the above subject. I also used the same codes in my Form and it
gave the same error.

I browse the newsgroup and change the Dim rs As DAO.Recordset and Dim db As
DAO.Recordset. I tested both without the DAO and with the DAO in it and it
gave the same error.

I am using Access 2003.

Graham Mandeno

Well, it's hard to diagnose the problem in your code if we have to imagine
what it contains! I suggest you post the code that is giving you the error.

However, I will hazard a guess that your variable "db" is supposed to be a
Database, not a Recordset, so try changing:
Dim db As DAO.Recordset
Dim db As DAO.Database

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