Data From One Sheet to Another



I'm trying to set up my home based business ans keep track of stock et.

I've set up a workbook with several worksheets.
The first shows all the product purchased, columns for:-
Invoice #:
Product Descript:
A/Ship (mandatory monthly purchase):

Each of the other sheets id dedicated to one of the catagories, i.e. A/Ship,
Retail, Promo etc.

To save entering each invoice a couple of times, how can I get Excell to
populate the additional sheets when I enter the data in the first?

Roger Govier

Hi Richard

There are many ways of achieving this, if you really want to go that route.
However, I would be inclined to summarise your main sheet using a Pivot
That will provide an analysis by any of your column heading in a summary
form, with the ability to "drill down" on any figure to see all of the
transactions making up that value.
You would need to amend your data so that you have a single column for
Category, and you enter the type, Personal, Retail, Resale etc in this
column against each transaction, rather than having the columns spread
across the sheet. Since you have only just started, making this change
shouldn't be too difficult, and I am sure this will be of benefit in the
future as your data grows.

Take a look at the videos on Mike Alexanders site to see what you can do
with a Pivot Table

and at the section on Pivot Tables at Debra Dalgleish's site

You can also get the Pivot table to break the data out to separate sheets
for you (if you want) by adding the Category field to the Page area of the
Pivot Table, then choose the option to Show Pages.

If you get stuck, post back, and also say what version of Excel you are

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