Darren Curtis - Help!



Darren, earlier this week you answered my post regarding a massively fragged
MFT that was giving me an NTLDR Missing message at boot.

I was looking for BCUpdate2.exe, the technet suggested fix, and you said you
use it all the time but I had to call MS Support to get it. Having spent the
last two days talking to half of Bangalore or listening to hold music, I'm
getting desperate.....Its like they don't want to give it to me!

Please, is there any way to get past first level support to someone who is
willing to believe that I have tried everything else and quit asking me if I
tried copying NTLDR off the release disk... are you paying these guys by the

Is there anyone else I can contact to get this utility?

Dave Lovekin

David Senior [MVP - Most Valuable Provocateur]

Hey Dave,

Forget about Darren Curtis; Forget about Jupitor Jones; Forget about Kelly (babushka) Korner; Infact forget about Micky (Mouse) Stevens or Bruce chambers or Bruce Hagan. They are all pirates all associated with the underworld except Darren whom I have not heard of nor met. I am vey familiar with others who are obnoxious to say the least. I recommend the following course of action:

1) Copy all your documents to an external CD;
2) Use Micky (Mouse) Stevens' pirating tool to get the serial number of your installation;
3) get hold of your original program CDs including Windows XP and WordPerfect Office;
4) Slipstream Windows XP with SP2 (if you haven't done so)
5) Do a clean Reinstall of the OS using slipstreamed OS of (4) above;
6) Forget about monkeys in bangalore who are working for peanuts - if you pay peanuts you get monkeys!
7) Be happy and watch a soccer (European Football) match on sunday between Manchester United (The Reds) v Arsenal (click on http://www.bbc.co.uk/sports) @ 16:05 hours GMT;
8) Consider looking for non M$ products for the future to avoid these problems;

Hope this helps.
Micky (Mouse) Stevens is a lier, pirate and child abuser;
Darren, earlier this week you answered my post regarding a massively fragged
MFT that was giving me an NTLDR Missing message at boot.

I was looking for BCUpdate2.exe, the technet suggested fix, and you said you
use it all the time but I had to call MS Support to get it. Having spent the
last two days talking to half of Bangalore or listening to hold music, I'm
getting desperate.....Its like they don't want to give it to me!

Please, is there any way to get past first level support to someone who is
willing to believe that I have tried everything else and quit asking me if I
tried copying NTLDR off the release disk... are you paying these guys by the

Is there anyone else I can contact to get this utility?

Dave Lovekin

I use non Microsoft products wherever possible which requires no activation.

I use Netscape 7.2 as my default browser which has everything I need for my work.

I believe in good Financial Management!! I do not believe in enriching rich jerks!


Thanks Neil,

You got me fixed! And how easy was that>!?!

Its a pity Microsoft doesn't make the tool more readily available, booting
off floppies for a week is not the end of the earth but was getting to be a
real pain!

All the best,


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