damm browser


Dave Cason

Hi ....

This is coming from my Outlook Express because when I posted a question
to the TechNet about a problem I'm having in SBS...........

Now I can't see the bloody answer in my browser becasue of this error:

Line: 2
Char: 17875
Error: Object expected
Code: 0
query=EVENT+ID+4004%dg=microsoft.public.windows.server.sbs yada yada ....

Can someone PLEASE tell my why my browser has now barfed and I can't see the
answer to my org. question on Technet about SBS ........


Robert Aldwinckle

Dave Cason said:
Hi ....

This is coming from my Outlook Express because when I posted a question
to the TechNet about a problem I'm having in SBS...........

Now I can't see the bloody answer in my browser becasue of this error:

Line: 2
Char: 17875
Error: Object expected
Code: 0
URL: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/commmunity/newsgroups/dgbrowser/e-us/default.mspx?
query=EVENT+ID+4004%dg=microsoft.public.windows.server.sbs yada yada ....

Can someone PLEASE tell my why my browser has now barfed and I can't see the
answer to my org. question on Technet about SBS ........

The web interface to newsgroups had some problems earlier this week
(It appeared to be due to a coding problem with the scripts.)
It seems to be working fine now.

BTW Terence Liu [MSFT] responded to your thread again today


(web interface search for
- under category Windows Small Business Server General


Robert Aldwinckle

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