cycle thru controls



My multitab user form as 8 tabs. Each tab has a different number of radio
buttons. Is there an easy way to cycle through all of the radio buttons on a
single tab to find the one that has been selected?

Currently I'm, writing an "if" statement for each radio button but this
seems cumbersome.



My multitab user form as 8 tabs. Each tab has a different number of radio
buttons. Is there an easy way to cycle through all of the radio buttons on a
single tab to find the one that has been selected?

Currently I'm, writing an "if" statement for each radio button but this
seems cumbersome.


The below is some code I have for cycling through the controls in a
frame (in this case to disable/enable). You could modify to only look
for radiobuttons that = true.

Sub EnableFrame(InFrame As Frame, ByVal Flag As Boolean)
Dim Contrl As Control
'some controls don't have the Container.Name property, so instead of
'stopping the application with an error message, we ignore them.
On Error Resume Next
'enable or disable the frame that passed as parameter.
InFrame.Enabled = Flag
'passing over all controls
For Each Contrl In InFrame.Parent.Controls
'if the control is found in the frame
If (Contrl.Container.Name = InFrame.Name) Then
'if the control is a frame, and it's not the frame that passed as
parameter, i.e.
'other frame that found inside our frame, recursively run this sub
with this frame,
'to enable or disable all the controls in it.
If (TypeOf Contrl Is Frame) And Not (Contrl.Name =
InFrame.Name) Then
EnableFrame Contrl, Flag
'enable or disable the control
If Not (TypeOf Contrl Is Menu) Then Contrl.Enabled = Flag
End If
End If
End Sub

Bob Phillips

This checks Page3 of the mulripage

With MultiPage1.Pages(2)
For Each ctl In .Controls
If TypeName(ctl) = "OptionButton" Then
If ctl.Value Then
MsgBox ctl.Name
Exit For
End If
End If
Next ctl
End With



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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