Cut & Pste HTML altered in FP




What am I missing when I try to cut and paste HTML code into an
existing Front Page document? FP alters the code eliminating the <>s
and totally screws up the paste. It replaces the < with &lt; and >
with &gt;

Yet when I try to paste the same code into a new blank page it pastes


Andrew Murray

These are the "escape code" (I think that's the term used) equivalents of
">" and "<"

"&lt;" is the code for "<" (i.e "lt" = less than (<)

&gt; is the code for ">" (i.e. "gt" = greater than (>)

It shouldn't make a difference to the end viewing of your site.

However, if you paste into Notepad first then copy/paste into FP code view,
that might 'clean up' the code.


Maybe you are pasting in "Design" instead of "Code"?

Andrew Murray wrote, On 10/18/2006 18:47:

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