customvalidator with SQL



I am trying to use a custom validator to check if a duplicate email
exist in my database when i use the update button in a datagrid. The
update button calls a stored procedure in SQL that checks for
duplicates and if none are found, updates the database, but if a
duplicate is found, returns the message "Duplicate email"
I can catch the SQL error in my code, but I'm not sure how to get it
to trigger the custom validator to fire. (i wish i could say
custValidator.Valid = false) I can set the error message to a label
text, but the label messes up my datagrid formatting. My goal is to
use the customvalidator because it's dynamic property set to true
helps with the datagrid format. Any help would be appreciated. Let me
know if i'm not clear. I'm using 1.0 and C#.



I'm confused as to why that was dumb.. The server this is running on
doesn't support newer controls in 2.0... at least i don't think so.

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