Customized Membership Provider



Hi all,
We currently have our own customer/login tables in our database linked with
CustomerID columns of both tables. Some of the requirements of the system are

1) When I validate users, I need to pass more parameters than just
username/password, for example customers are created for different clients,
so I need to pass our ClientID with username/password together. We build one
portal to support multiple clients.

2) When a customer is validated, I need to get CustomerID instead of
username from Context.User.Identity.

By implementing MembershipProvider class, I don't think I can achieve any of
requirement mentioned above. Do I miss something or there are some other
tricks I don't know?

Thanks for any suggestions or comments!


You can certainly implement what you describe, you will need to write a
custom MembershipProvider that derives from the ProviderBase class.
There is plenty of sample code around for implementing custom Membership,
Profile, and Roles providers.


Sorry, I implemented MembershipProvider class, ValidateUser only accepts 2
parameters, but I need more.

public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password) {

How can I do it?

Let me do a search around.

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