Customize switchboards to make each unique to the user?



Access 2003, need to customize switchboard and sub-switchboards to make more
efficient. Need to title each switchboard with title other than the name of
the Database.

Jeff Conrad

Access 2003, need to customize switchboard and sub-switchboards to make more
efficient. Need to title each switchboard with title other than the name of
the Database.

Through code in like the form's Current event just change the caption
that is on the top of the form. I only have Access 97 in front of me at
the moment so I know this will be different than Access 2003, but
something like so:

Private Sub Form_Current()
' Update the caption and fill in the list of options.

Me.Caption = Nz(Me![ItemText], "")
Me.Label1.Caption = "Some Other Text Here"

End Sub

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