Customer Rendered Web Controls - Page.GetPostBackEventReference vs IPostBackEventHandler


Mr Newbie

I still have a few questions here. Ive been following some examples in a
Microsoft Press book on this and have produced a small calculator control
which I have written most of the code for.

My quandy relates to the Postback.

I have rendered my buttons with OnClick="Javascript:" &
Page.GetPostBackEventReference(ControID) which when rendered does a
_doPostback('ControlID,'') javascript call and post the page back.

The event handlers for the click events on these buttons fire and in turn
raise a control event to tell the containing page that the event has fired
and for this I pass a derived EventArgs which carries the Button ID and
value etc in order to communicate this information.

My Question is mainly centred aournd the IPostBackEventHandler. I have
implemented this and have also tried it without, and I see no difference. Im
convinced that Ive missed the point here, but I cant see it.

Can anyone illuminate?

Mr Newbie

Actually I have taken this forward a little since my post, but Im still not
entirely sure which approach is the best.

If you render your Custome Control Buttons with a Javascript onClick to
Page.GetPostBackEventReference(me), then the IPostbackEventHandler's
RaisePostbackEvent will get called. However, if you want the underlying
controls ( Buttons ) to fire their own Click Handler then you need to render
them with a Javascript Page.GetPostBackEventReference(CONTROLID).

In the latter case, this RaisePostbackEvent never gets called.

I think that there is more than one way to skin a cat, but Im not sure which
one is approved ?, any ideas on approach would be welcome.
Best Regards

The Inimitable Mr Newbie º¿º

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