customer autofilter



I cannot get the custom auto filter "ends with" or "begins with" to work.
Whenever I use this criteria, it selects no data from my list (my list
contains numbers). For example, when I try to filter the "number" column in
the below list to select only data where the "number" ends with 3, I should
get one result (82003). But I don't; I get no data at all. Does anyone know
how to get this function to work?

number qty
72004 1536
72004 8
82003 1536
82004 200


In an ideal world, formatting the cells as text would make it work. But
Excel doesn't really format a number as text when you make that selection.
In fact, as far as i can tell, all it really does is change the alignment to
the left. You can force Excel to recognize numbers as text by beginning the
cell entry with an apostrophe. The apostrophe is a format character only and
does not show in the cell. Once your cells are recognized as text, ends with
3 will work.

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