Custom Sort



I am trying to open an excel 2003 workbook with custom sort in excel 2007. I
get an error that points to "a sort state that uses a sort condition with a
custom list. This information will be lost in earlier versions of Excel."

In the directions to correct the error I am instructed to "...change the
sort state so that it no longer contains a custom list.."

How do you change the sort state? Why can't excel 2007 open an excel 2003

Bernard Liengme

I cannot reproduce this. In XL2003:
1) I made a custom list
2) I made some data
3) I sorted the data by my custom list
4) Saved the file and closed XL2003
5) Opened the file in XL2007 - had no message
6) I was able to sort the data with the custom list

Please tell us how your steps differ from the above.
The Excel message is confusing as it refers to "earlier versions of Excel
2007" I can see this happening if an XL2007 file is opened in XL2003 and the
file has new XL2007 features.
best wishes

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