Custom .NET Control Is Disabled In ToolBox



I have downloaded Custom Control (Multi-Column DropDown With
AutoComplete) from the web.

In the sample I downloaded (VB.NET application) it works

I tried to put the same control to the ASP.NET application by adding the
custom control's project into my solution and then added reference from
my main project to this project.

The control appears in the toolbox, but it's gray and cannot be dragged
into the web form.

I tried to set reference to this control's DLL from Bin folder and have
the same result with gray control and full disability of the control.

Any help, please



Hi Vadim,

I guess the problem is with the licence file. Some of the third party user
controls have licence file.
Check out if this one has a licence file from the vendor. Its of extension

Place this file in the application folder itself.
Hope this helps...

Need any help, do post a msg back...

Happy Coding

William F. Robertson, Jr.

Is this control a windows forms control? If so, you can only use
WebControls on an page. I believe there is a way to host windows
forms control in IE 6.0, but it requires trust, and the .NET framework to be
installed on the client machine.


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