Custom namespace for a resource?!



I am trying to add a resource file (resx) to my project in VB.NET. The
namespace of the file is always equal to (RootNameSpace) of the project. This
is even if I set the value "Custom Tool Namespace" on the file. It seems that
it has no affect!

How can I specify a custom namespace for a resource in a VB.NET project..
It's much more flexible in C# that it's here..


Peter Huang


From the MSDN,it seems that the property will be used by the custom tool
and we can not guarantee how the custom tool deal with the property.

Use this property to specify the default namespace, such as
"ProjectName.FolderName", for the file generated by the custom tool. The
namespace is created under the root namespace of the project. An empty
string indicates that the namespace property of the parent folder is used.

There is no guarantee that the custom tool will generate code that uses
this namespace. It is provided so the tool can have a specific namespace to
put code in. There is nothing in the project system to enforce the use of
this namespace by the custom tool.

This property is only meaningful for custom tools that generate code.

If you still have any concern, please feel free to post here.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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