custom functions in Queries



I have a custom function that I use on an OPenForm action to calculate and
display some information.

The function is:

Private Function Calculate_Charges()
Call Lookup_Charges

PolType = Me!PolType
SdRateNow = DLookup("[SD]", "[TblCharges]", "[Class] = [PolType]")
ICLRateNow = DLookup("[ICL]", "[TblCharges]", "[Class] = [PolType]")
GSTRateNow = DLookup("[GST]", "[TblCharges]", "[Class] = [PolType]")

If Me!PayFreq = "Annual" And Me!InstNo = 1 Then
Me!SD.Value = (Me!Premium * SdRateNow) / 100
Me!ICL.Value = (Me!Premium * ICLRateNow) / 100
Me!GST.Value = ((Me!Premium + Me!SD - Me!Brokerage) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTFee.Value = ((Me!BrokerFee) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTBrokerage.Value = (Me!Brokerage * GSTRateNow) / 100

ElseIf Me!PayFreq = "Quarterly" And Me!InstNo = 1 Then
Me!SD.Value = ((Me!Premium * 4) * SdRateNow) / 100
Me!ICL.Value = ((Me!Premium * 4) * ICLRateNow) / 100
Me!GST.Value = (((Me!Premium * 4) + Me!SD - Me!Brokerage) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTFee.Value = ((Me!BrokerFee) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTBrokerage.Value = (Me!Brokerage * GSTRateNow) / 100


Me!SD.Value = 0
Me!ICL.Value = 0
Me!GST.Value = 0
Me!GSTFee.Value = ((Me!BrokerFee) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTBrokerage.Value = (Me!Brokerage * GSTRateNow) / 100
End If
End Function

I need to use exactly the same calculation in a query. I have tried nesting
IIf statements but it seems too cumbersome.

Is there a way I can "call" this function in my query?




Hi, David.
Is there a way I can "call" this function in my query?

If you fix the problems, you could call it, but it will only return a single
value per row, not the five values that are calculated in your function. So,
you'd need to create three custom public functions in a standard module and
create a query to call those functions. The query would look something like
this (warning: air code):

SELECT DLOOKUP ("SD", "TblCharges", "Class = " & PolType) AS SdRateNow,
DLOOKUP ("ICL", "TblCharges", "Class = " & PolType) AS ICLRateNow,
DLOOKUP ("GST", "TblCharges", "Class = " & PolType) AS GSTRateNow,
getSD(PayFreq, InstNo, Premium, SdRateNow) AS SD,
getICL(PayFreq, InstNo, Premium, ICLRateNow) AS ICL,
getGST(PayFreq, InstNo, Premium, SD, Brokerage, GSTRateNow) AS GST,
(BrokerFee * GSTRateNow / 100) AS GSTFee,
(Brokerage * GSTRateNow / 100) AS GSTBrokerage
FROM tblMyTable;

.. . . where tblMyTable is the name of the table (or query). This table (or
query)must contain the following fields: PolType, PayFreq, InstNo, Premium,
Brokerage, and BrokerFee.

The three functions would look something like this (warning: air code):

Public Function getSD(sPayFreq As String, InstNo As Long, Premium As
Currency, SdRateNow As Double) As Double
If sPayFreq = "Annual" And InstNo = 1 Then
getSD = (Premium * SdRateNow) / 100
ElseIf sPayFreq = "Quarterly" And InstNo = 1 Then
getSD = ((Premium * 4) * SdRateNow) / 100
getSD = 0
End If
Exit Function

Public Function getICL(sPayFreq As String, InstNo As Long, Premium As
Currency, ICLRateNow As Double) As Double
If sPayFreq = "Annual" And InstNo = 1 Then
getICL = (Premium * ICLRateNow / 100
ElseIf sPayFreq = "Quarterly" And InstNo = 1 Then
getICL = ((Premium * 4) * ICLRateNow) / 100
getICL = 0
End If
Exit Function

Public Function getGST(sPayFreq As String, InstNo As Long, Premium As
Currency, SD AS Double, Brokerage AS Double, GSTRateNow As Double) As Double
If sPayFreq = "Annual" And InstNo = 1 Then
getGST = ((Premium + SD - Brokerage) * GSTRateNow) / 100
ElseIf sPayFreq = "Quarterly" And InstNo = 1 Then
getGST = (((Premium * 4) + SD - Brokerage) * GSTRateNow) / 100
getGST = 0
End If
Exit Function

I'm guessing at your field names and data types, but this code should get
you started.


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New TO Access said:
I have a custom function that I use on an OPenForm action to calculate and
display some information.

The function is:

Private Function Calculate_Charges()
Call Lookup_Charges

PolType = Me!PolType
SdRateNow = DLookup("[SD]", "[TblCharges]", "[Class] = [PolType]")
ICLRateNow = DLookup("[ICL]", "[TblCharges]", "[Class] = [PolType]")
GSTRateNow = DLookup("[GST]", "[TblCharges]", "[Class] = [PolType]")

If Me!PayFreq = "Annual" And Me!InstNo = 1 Then
Me!SD.Value = (Me!Premium * SdRateNow) / 100
Me!ICL.Value = (Me!Premium * ICLRateNow) / 100
Me!GST.Value = ((Me!Premium + Me!SD - Me!Brokerage) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTFee.Value = ((Me!BrokerFee) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTBrokerage.Value = (Me!Brokerage * GSTRateNow) / 100

ElseIf Me!PayFreq = "Quarterly" And Me!InstNo = 1 Then
Me!SD.Value = ((Me!Premium * 4) * SdRateNow) / 100
Me!ICL.Value = ((Me!Premium * 4) * ICLRateNow) / 100
Me!GST.Value = (((Me!Premium * 4) + Me!SD - Me!Brokerage) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTFee.Value = ((Me!BrokerFee) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTBrokerage.Value = (Me!Brokerage * GSTRateNow) / 100


Me!SD.Value = 0
Me!ICL.Value = 0
Me!GST.Value = 0
Me!GSTFee.Value = ((Me!BrokerFee) * GSTRateNow) / 100
Me!GSTBrokerage.Value = (Me!Brokerage * GSTRateNow) / 100
End If
End Function

I need to use exactly the same calculation in a query. I have tried nesting
IIf statements but it seems too cumbersome.

Is there a way I can "call" this function in my query?



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