Custom Footer



Dear All,
A strange problem this. I have a custom footer in an excel spreadsheet
that has the file name and path in the left section, page# of pages# in
the center section and date in the right hand section.
When attempting to enter the date, however, using the command buttons, it
appears in a different style/size of font. I then have to manually change
the font so that it is the same as the left and center sections.
Also, the date is not lined up with the other two sections. It is either
above or below.

Does anyone have any ideas why it is doing this and how it can be
The workbook contains a number of worksheets and on all the others the
custom footer does not cause a problem.
I am using Excel 2K on windows 2K.



Debra Dalgleish

I'm not sure why the custom footer is causing problems. Perhaps you
could copy the header/footer from one of the pages that's behaving
correctly --

Select a sheet that has a "non-problem" footer
Hold the Ctrl key, and select the sheet with the problem footer
Choose View>Header and Footer
Click OK

Then, ungroup the sheets, and edit the custom footer on the problem
sheet, if it should be different than the copied sheet.

The header will also be copied, so you may have to change that too.

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