Custom error messages



Is there a way of overriding certain Access error messages with my own? I
know you can do it at the form level, but is there a way of just
saying..."anytime this error ever comes up, bring up my custom error
message." The reason is b/c I have a lot of forms and buttons and everytime I
want to alter one of my custom error messages or add a new one, I have to go
into all of my forms and all of my buttons to do so....

Thanks for the help!

Larry Daugherty


The trick is to generalize and then localize the messages in your own
error handlers so that they give you not only the general error
message but also any specific information you might want. It isn't
too difficult to put a select statement in your error handler that
causes different messages for different errors - all from the same
error handler. Also, you can insert the procedure name in the error
message.. Don't overload your poor users with noise. You can also
put in conditional flags for "terse" for normal running and "verbose"
for development.

Have you tried MZ Tools?



So basically I just have to go into every form's error handler code, every
submit button, every exit button and every clear button and paste in the same

No, I don't know what MZ Tools are!

Thanks for the help

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