Cusrsor changes to boxed 11



Suddenly I am unable to run windows XP (with all service packs). After
selecting my user name to start up, and before windows fully loads the cursor
changes to a grey box with the number 11 in it in the uper right corner and
will not move out of that corner. I think I've seen this before, but now
cannot remember what it means.
If I start in safe mode the cursor works. If I start with all startup
programs disabled it still fails. So it must be somewhere between safe mode
and routine services. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My system is as follows:

Tyan Tiger MPX motherboard with two Athlon MP processors and 1GB of memory
Matrox G200 AGP video card
Adaptec 39160 SCSI controller with 4 SCSI drives attached (one of which -
the D drive did fail just before this began)

Budget Print Center

you may have deleted a system font... i've seen something similar on such

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