Current Recordset does not support updating - HELP needed!



I've come up with an error which the solution eludes me. I get the
An unhandled exception of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException' occurred in HRTest.exe

Additional information: Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or of the selected locktype.

It occurs when I attempt to add a new record. I've stripped out much
of the code, leaving the pertinent (I hope) info. I'm using MS Access
2003 as the database.

The error appears to be quite self-explanatary, but I've read about
the locktype an it seems correct. The "Current Recordset" I'm unsure
of. I just want to find out if the record is on file and if not, add
it, otherwise I'll update it.

Sounds simple, but I need help.



Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Public db As ADODB.Connection
Public C As ADODB.Command
Public POrstData As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub DoUpdate()

'make connection and open database
db = New ADODB.Connection

db.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" & txtDatabaseDir & "HRMDB.MDB" &
";Persist Security Info=False"


C = New ADODB.Command
C.ActiveConnection = db
C.CommandType = ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText

'create and open record set

POrstData = New ADODB.Recordset
POrstData.Open("PurOrd", db,
ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, True)

End Sub

Private Sub UpdateProcess()

C.CommandText = "Select PODate, POLoc, POItem FROM PurOrd " & _
"where PODate = #" & SelectedDate & "# and POLoc = '" & strLoc & "' "
& _
"AND POItem = " & CInt(strItem)

POrstData = C.Execute

If POrstData.EOF = True Then
POrstData.AddNew() <======= Fails with Error =====
POrstData.Fields.Item("PODate").Value = "#" & strDate & "#"
POrstData.Fields.Item("POLoc").Value = strLoc
POrstData.Fields.Item("POItem").Value = CInt(strItem)
MsgBox("Record Found: #" & SelectedDate & "# " & strLoc & " "
& CInt(strItem))
End If

End Sub


Hexman said:
I've come up with an error which the solution eludes me. I get the

It occurs when I attempt to add a new record. I've stripped out much
of the code, leaving the pertinent (I hope) info. I'm using MS Access
2003 as the database.

The error appears to be quite self-explanatary, but I've read about
the locktype an it seems correct. The "Current Recordset" I'm unsure
of. I just want to find out if the record is on file and if not, add
it, otherwise I'll update it.

Sounds simple, but I need help.



Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Public db As ADODB.Connection
Public C As ADODB.Command
Public POrstData As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub DoUpdate()

'make connection and open database
db = New ADODB.Connection

db.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=" & txtDatabaseDir & "HRMDB.MDB" &
";Persist Security Info=False"


C = New ADODB.Command
C.ActiveConnection = db
C.CommandType = ADODB.CommandTypeEnum.adCmdText

'create and open record set

POrstData = New ADODB.Recordset
POrstData.Open("PurOrd", db,
ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic, True)

End Sub

Private Sub UpdateProcess()

C.CommandText = "Select PODate, POLoc, POItem FROM PurOrd " & _
"where PODate = #" & SelectedDate & "# and POLoc = '" & strLoc & "' "
& _
"AND POItem = " & CInt(strItem)

POrstData = C.Execute

If POrstData.EOF = True Then
POrstData.AddNew() <======= Fails with Error =====
POrstData.Fields.Item("PODate").Value = "#" & strDate & "#"
POrstData.Fields.Item("POLoc").Value = strLoc
POrstData.Fields.Item("POItem").Value = CInt(strItem)
MsgBox("Record Found: #" & SelectedDate & "# " & strLoc & " "
& CInt(strItem))
End If

End Sub

Why are you using old ADO and not ADO.NET?



Why are you using old ADO and not ADO.NET?


Its what I've had examples of. Please point me in the ADO.NET
direction. I need examples (add, delete, query, update, etc.)





I looked at the examples in the SDK and other internet sources --- and
now I'm even more confused. I wish there was an example of someone
reading a transaction file and updating a table (add, update & delete
based on the transaction type). I've seen ASP code, C code & VB code
with ADO classic and ADO.NET, some with SQL, OleDB, ODBC, .....

Don't know which way to turn - just trying to get this task finished
(along with being guided down the correct path of learning about

I've seen so much it really bluring. I thought my approach in the
code below was a good solution, but apparently not.

I need more help.

Can someone guide me closer to the objective?



Tiny Tim


I looked at the examples in the SDK and other internet sources --- and
now I'm even more confused. I wish there was an example of someone
reading a transaction file and updating a table (add, update & delete
based on the transaction type). I've seen ASP code, C code & VB code
with ADO classic and ADO.NET, some with SQL, OleDB, ODBC, .....

Don't know which way to turn - just trying to get this task finished
(along with being guided down the correct path of learning about

I've seen so much it really bluring. I thought my approach in the
code below was a good solution, but apparently not.

I need more help.

Can someone guide me closer to the objective?



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