Currency Data Type 2 decimals - actual value shows 4 decimals



I have a field that is data type currency, format is currency, digits is 2
but the actual value when performing calculations stores a value with 4
digits after the decimal even thought I ensure that all field properties for
every reference or interaction with the field is decimals 2. Should I
change the field type to number and then just format the field when creating
a report?


Currency fields do all their calculations to 4 decimal places, for the
specific purpose of ensuring that rounding errors do not accumulate &
eventually lead to big errors.

Be thankful that Access is doing that for your currency values! Just
truncate or round their values to 2 places, when you want to print them
out, or display on the screen. Yu can do that with the Format$()
function, check it out in Access help.

TC (MVP Access)

Wayne Morgan

No, don't change the field type. The Currency data type handles decimal
calculations much better than Single or Double do. The Currency data type
does have 4 decimal places. Setting the number of decimals to 2 in the field
changes the display of the field, not the actual value of the field. If you
only want 2 decimals stored, you'll need to round-off your results to 2
decimals before you store them in the table. There will still be 4 decimals
stored, but the last two will be 00.


Thanks for the response - would you be so kind to help me understand how to
round off the field. I don't know how to do this.
Warm Regards,

Wayne Morgan

It will depend on where you're doing the calculations, but basically to
round to 2 decimal places, do one more calculation on your result.

curResult = Int(curResult * 100 + 0.5) / 100

This will round to 2 decimals with .5 always rounding up. If you prefer
"scientific" or "bankers" rounding where .5 always rounds to an even number,
you could use the built-in Round() function.

curResult = Round(curResult, 2)


Thank you sincerely for your help.

Wayne Morgan said:
It will depend on where you're doing the calculations, but basically to
round to 2 decimal places, do one more calculation on your result.

curResult = Int(curResult * 100 + 0.5) / 100

This will round to 2 decimals with .5 always rounding up. If you prefer
"scientific" or "bankers" rounding where .5 always rounds to an even number,
you could use the built-in Round() function.

curResult = Round(curResult, 2)

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