Cure seems (almost) worse than the disease...


Frank Hamersley

Yeah yeah yeah - its only a (so called) Beta grade product but the volume of
grief I am seeing in these lists seems to indicate that it is sucking up as
much user effort and causing as much distress as the very nasties it is
trying to interdict!

When I was a whipper-snapper, beta testing commenced when the project
developers and testers had performed all the unit and system tests they
could dream up to a point that they couldn't find any problems. Then the
real users were allowed to try and break it!

This programme really takes the cake in delivering a package that is barely
ready for system testing let alone any %age of the real world. Its either
unprofessional or smacks of desperation - or both!

Every day I feel more relaxed about the decision to dump IE now and as soon
as can be managed the rest of the sad mess. As an IT Consultant I claim the
right to remain a voyeur and commentator even if only to underpin any advice
given to my constituents to seriously consider a similar move if it can be

To any readers who are not ready to perform extended CPR on their system my
recommendation is to stay away until an official (Gold) release is produced.
My 2 bob bits worth, Frank.

Mike T

The whole purpose of these newsgroups is to post about problems that people
are experiencing, therefore you tend to see alot more ITS Not working, it
broke this, the product is a piece of crap, etc post here. After all if
everyone posted with THIS PRODUCT is great, I have no problems, etc it would
be a very boring newsgroup.

Having said that, I am willing to bet that there are far more people NOT
having any issues with this, then there are having problems. But we will
never know because they just won't post it.



Just to make the other guy happy! I have it working on 5 machines no
problems. what so ever.


I put it on my computer and it has done all sorts of crazy
things, my system barely works. I'm not computer savy like
most of you posting, but I do know that I didn't have the
problems I do now, untill I downloaded that spyware
program. Mr. Hamerley, I was wondering if you could tell
me (I took the spyware off), but my windows is still
acting unstable. Is there something else that I should
have done or do? When I play my pc games, they crash,
move back and forth like a tv ready to go out, they didn't
do this before, but shouldn't they work now that I took it
off? I have ASUS A87X Deluxe 7200 mother board, with
Nivida, 1Gb of memory, so it is not and old klunker, any
advice? Thanks!

jim hughes

I tried it on a friend's badly infested system. It installed fine, ran
ok, but was ineffective. "VX Transponder" and "Cool Web Search" just sat
there and laughed at it.


-----Original Message-----
Just to make the other guy happy! I have it working on 5 machines no
problems. what so ever.

The problem with this beta is :
- Or it doesn't do anything (on some machines) and by
consequence it does not harm, but it doesn't clean
anything neither.
- Or it cleans a bit to good (on other machines), and a
lot of things do not function anymore after having
installed this "alpha-release".


-----Original Message-----
Yeah yeah yeah - its only a (so called) Beta grade product but the volume of
grief I am seeing in these lists seems to indicate that it is sucking up as
much user effort and causing as much distress as the very nasties it is
trying to interdict!

When I was a whipper-snapper, beta testing commenced when the project
developers and testers had performed all the unit and system tests they
could dream up to a point that they couldn't find any problems. Then the
real users were allowed to try and break it!

This programme really takes the cake in delivering a package that is barely
ready for system testing let alone any %age of the real world. Its either
unprofessional or smacks of desperation - or both!

Every day I feel more relaxed about the decision to dump IE now and as soon
as can be managed the rest of the sad mess. As an IT Consultant I claim the
right to remain a voyeur and commentator even if only to underpin any advice
given to my constituents to seriously consider a similar move if it can be

To any readers who are not ready to perform extended CPR on their system my
recommendation is to stay away until an official (Gold) release is produced.
My 2 bob bits worth, Frank.

Thanks for this contribution Frank.
As I stated before - this is not a beta release - it is
an alpha-release.

Bill Sanderson

I'm running it on about two dozen machines, and the only serious issue I've
had is that the errors.log file on one Windows 2000 server ran amok and hit
2.6 gigabytes before I shut down and uninstalled the program.

There are some issues with this beta, but I'm very comfortable advising my
clients and folks I talk to to use it, with the caveat that they be very
cautious about removing items without checking carefully into what is being

Max Burke

AMDGUY scribbled: Just to make the other guy happy! I have it working on 5
machines no
problems. what so ever.

It's working so well for me that I have included it as an automated process
in my daily 'housekeeping schedule' alongside daily backuyps and a daily
virus scan....

Frank Hamersley

I was wondering if you could tell
me (I took the spyware off), but my windows is still
acting unstable. Is there something else that I should
have done or do? When I play my pc games, they crash,
move back and forth like a tv ready to go out, they didn't
do this before, but shouldn't they work now that I took it
off? I have ASUS A87X Deluxe 7200 mother board, with
Nivida, 1Gb of memory, so it is not and old klunker, any

Unfortunately I can't offer much more than to suggest you review (the
deluge) of advice coming from some of the MVP's posting to this list (and
others). They have been offering quite good advice on how best to attempt a
rescue if the horse has already bolted.

Personally, I have managed to avoid the need to go into this space (so far)
by hiding behind a bastion host iptables firewall and limiting my browsing
to FF only - esp. no Active-X. My interest in this tool has been purely for
self educational reasons.

That said a sibling of mine managed while looking for a freeware/shareware
utility yesterday had his network stack blown apart by some malware from one
of the sites. We suspect the FW prevented the ultimate completion (payload
installation) but it still left his system very very sick. IE couldn't
browse and a work app would start but couldn't complete. Fortunately FF was
unaffected and he was able to work out from the KB how to repair the stack
and get back out of the woods.

Its getting pretty rough when you can't even surf apparently regular sites
without serious risk. But its even more sad when you have to amputate your
own leg with a rusty saw and no anaesthetic to stop gangrene setting in. I
wish that MS were more advanced with this toolset and had a solid silver
bullet - but its never happened before so I guess we will just have to
suffer and wait.

Good luck regardless!

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