CTRL+Z Lock & Protects Worksheet



When I press CTRL+Z, instead of performing an "undo", all
cells in the worksheet become protected and an unknwon
password has been assigned. Has anyone else experienced

Frank Kabel

Hi Greg
maybe a macro is assigned to this shortcut. check the macros in your
workbook or in your personal.xls file


Thanks, Frank, I will check. However, it is peculiar
because it does't happen all the time.


Dave Peterson

If you click on Edit, what do you see in the "Undo" description?

Any chance that you have a macro assigned to ctrl-Z?

Start excel is safe mode and test her out.

Close excel
Windows start button|Run
excel /safe

(this keeps excel from running macros and even from loading customized

File|open your workbook and see what happens.

If that works, then you'll have to find the culprit. My bet is that it's an
addin (tools|addins) or a workbook/addin located in your XLStart folder.

Chip Pearson has some instructions for finding problems at:

Essentially, you're going to move stuff out of your XLStart folder and uncheck
everything under Tools|Addins. (But keep track!)

Then one by one, you'll add one back and restart excel to see if that caused the

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