CTRL key locks scroll


Lynda Jean

I recently hooked up a KVM switch box (NET-MPC2000) and it's been working
well except for one minor glitch. Whenever I hold down the CTRL key for a
few seconds, it puts the box into a scan mode (to find other PCs hooked
up). Nowhere in the instructions does it say to use the CTRL for scan
mode. The scan mode key is the Scroll Lock key (tap 2x, hit ESC to lock
onto computer that comes up on monitor).

When the CTRL key is depressed for a couple of seconds, the Scroll Lock
light comes on and I have to tap ESC to get back to functioning. I use my
CTRL Key a lot, any suggestions on how to make it not flip on the Scroll
Lock (or KVM scan mode)?

Some you are already thinking, "Get rid of the KVM." I need it and it
does work quite well.

Or the ones who have a lot of disposable income are saying, "Get a
different KVM."

Others may be thinking "Hey, why not format and reinstall XP." To those I
say SHUT UP!

To the ones who are thinking, "Contact the manufacturer." I only have to
say, I don't know who it is. I've searched and searched to no avail. One
of those generic jobbers, nicely packaged, instructions in very bad
English, so it is probably foreign made, like China, Taiwan or
California. Even an FCC lookup doesn't help much.

So, suggestions?


Lynda said:
I recently hooked up a KVM switch box (NET-MPC2000) and it's been working
well except for one minor glitch. Whenever I hold down the CTRL key for a
few seconds, it puts the box into a scan mode (to find other PCs hooked
up). Nowhere in the instructions does it say to use the CTRL for scan
mode. The scan mode key is the Scroll Lock key (tap 2x, hit ESC to lock
onto computer that comes up on monitor).

When the CTRL key is depressed for a couple of seconds, the Scroll Lock
light comes on and I have to tap ESC to get back to functioning. I use my
CTRL Key a lot, any suggestions on how to make it not flip on the Scroll
Lock (or KVM scan mode)?

Some you are already thinking, "Get rid of the KVM." I need it and it
does work quite well.

Or the ones who have a lot of disposable income are saying, "Get a
different KVM."

Others may be thinking "Hey, why not format and reinstall XP." To those I
say SHUT UP!

To the ones who are thinking, "Contact the manufacturer." I only have to
say, I don't know who it is. I've searched and searched to no avail. One
of those generic jobbers, nicely packaged, instructions in very bad
English, so it is probably foreign made, like China, Taiwan or
California. Even an FCC lookup doesn't help much.

So, suggestions?
I have the exact same product made by Laser try this link, tell them you
have a DS-2TO1M and what your problem is and see if that helps.

Take it that the keyboard is standard PS2 yes?

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