CTRL+COPY then focus on BROWSER



I have a form that parses the address
It is set to a timer before it closes is there a way to have it
copy the data then focus to the open browser (FireFox)

I have a button on the form with the following which works well IF I PUSH

Private Sub MapSearch_Click()
Dim MyHyperlink As String
Dim strGoogleLoaction As String

strGoogleLoaction = Replace([FullADDRESS], " ", "+")
MyHyperlink =
"http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?g=q&hl=en&geocode=&time=&date=&ttype=&q=" &
strGoogleLoaction & "&ie=
Application.FollowHyperlink MyHyperlink
End Sub
Sometimes though, I already have the browser map open and I just want it to
CTRL+Copy the data frm my open form so i can CTRL+V in the search on google
and then ALT+TAB to firefox....

Any ideas?


Ok I figured out the copy part
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy

but still haven't figured out the switch to open FoxFire browser window.

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