CSharp Web Question



i'm not really sure how to word my question because I'm new to CSHarp and
Web-Developemnt, so I'm not quite sure how to word my question. But, I'll
give it a try anyways.

I have inherited a web-site project. One of the tasks I have is to provide a
column in a Matrix style layout and calculate the total of a row. Each
row/cell in the Matrix is assigned a dynamic name, so I can reference the
name of a specific cell if need be. What I need to do within this matrix is
calculate the total of a specific row of answers into a specific cell.

Now, since each answer box is dynamic, how can I trap an event that a
specific row has had text entered into it. For example, I have a row/col/cell
named ANSWER1 and ANSWER2, and I need to be able to add these two items up
into my dynamic cell named ANSWERTOTAL. The names of these fields are
created dynamically, so they aren't fixed. I'm thinking of storing them in an
array of some sort.

Anyway, the heart of my question is: How can I trap an change/update event
in a text field that has a dynamic name on a webpage?

I'm sure my question is probably confusing or may make no sense, but if
anyone understands what I'm saying, and ideas would be great.

David Wilkinson

Greg said:
i'm not really sure how to word my question because I'm new to CSHarp and
Web-Developemnt, so I'm not quite sure how to word my question. But, I'll
give it a try anyways.


You should ask this question in a C# group. This one is for C++/CLI.

Carl Daniel [VC++ MVP]

Greg said:
I'm sorry, I thought I was in the C# group. I will look again and do
that. Thanks.

microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.csharp is what you're looking for.


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